
By ibmcom

Updated over 3 years ago

Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides service discovery, configuration, and orchestration.



Supported tags: 0.8, 0.9.0

How to use Consul Container?

  1. Verifying the consul binary: $consul

  2. Consul agent in development mode: $docker run -dP --name=agent1 consul

  3. You can list all the running agents with following command: $docker exec -i agent1 consul members

  4. You can also get the detailed information of all the node from outside the container as follows: $curl localhost:MAPPED_PORT/v1/catalog/nodes Where MAPPED_PORT is the host port to which 8500 of container is mapped.

  5. Consul agent in normal mode: $docker run -dP –name=agent1 consul agent

  6. By default the development mode has UI enabled, but if you want to run it in non-development mode you have to
    enable the UI with -ui option as follows: $ docker run -dP --name=agent1 consul agent -ui Now you can access the UI from browser with following url: http://VM_IP:MAPPED_PORT
    Where, MAPPED_PORT is the host port which is mapped to 8500 of container

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/consul-ppc64le