IBM® Db2® is a multi-workload database designed to help you quickly develop, test and build applications for your business. Designed for operational and analytic workloads.
Community Edition is automatically enabled and has the following limitations, which are automatically enforced:
Memory limit: 16GB
Core limit: 4 cores
Stand up a Db2 environment in minutes, which is pre-installed with a created database, ready to accept queries. This containerized environment is not for production use. For production use cases, please use Db2 on OpenShift as described below.
In order to deploy Db2 on OpenShift, Db2U (Db2 Universal Container) is required. Db2U is an ecosystem of containers for the Db2 family, designed based on a microservices architecture, optimized and certified for OpenShift.
The instructions for deploying Db2U on OpenShift can be found at: Db2 Knowledge Center
Where to get help:
Db2 Community, Db2 LUW Twitter
docker run -itd --name mydb2 --privileged=true -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=<choose an instance password> -e DBNAME=testdb -v <db storage dir>:/database ibmcom/db2
Where is the persistent storage filesystem/directory to store your database data/instance configuration/transaction logs. If the DB2INST1_PASSWORD variable is omitted, a randomly generated password will be set for the Db2 instance. If the DBNAME variable is omitted, no database will be created, and you can create one by executing into the container.
After the docker run command is executed, it will take a couple of minutes for the container to finish setting up.
You may run docker logs -f <your_container_name>
to tail the docker entry point script.
To confirm Db2 container is ready, in the logs we will see the message Setup has completed.
Log on to the container:
docker exec -ti mydb2 bash -c "su - ${DB2INSTANCE}"
is either db2inst1
or the name chosen via the DB2INSTANCE variable.The following are additional environment variables that could be toggled to customize your deployment. You can either include them in your docker run
command via the -e
switch or you can add them to a file and then refer to the file in your docker run
command with the --env-file
High availability disaster recovery (HADR) provides a high availability solution for both partial and complete site failures. HADR protects against data loss by replicating data changes from a source database, called the primary database, to the target databases, called the standby databases.
HADR example
docker run --name node1 --privileged --ipc=host -p 50000 -p 55000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=<password> -e HADR_ENABLED=true -e ETCD_ENDPOINT=IP1:PORT1,IP2:PORT2,IP3:PORT3 -v /home/db2server_fs/database:/database -v /nfs/shared:/hadr ibmcom/db2
docker run --name node2 --privileged --ipc=host -p 50000 -p 55000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=<password> -e HADR_ENABLED=true -e ETCD_ENDPOINT=IP1:PORT1,IP2:PORT2,IP3:PORT3 -v /home/db2server_fs/database:/database -v /nfs/shared:/hadr ibmcom/db2
You can follow the logs of each of the containers to view the progress. Once the container setup is complete, the two containers will be set up in PEER mode.
In the event we lose the primary container, providing the ETCD_ENDPOINT ensures that the takeover will happen automatically, and the standby container will pick up the workload. If ETCD_EMDPOINT is not provided, manual db2 takeover hadr on standby
command will need to be executed on the standby node.
If we loose one of the containers, the user must manually start back up the container so the two Db2 containers can HADR connect once again.
For more information refer to
You can use the Db2 container as a base to build your own custom container. Customizations may include additional setup scripts to execute after Db2 setup has completed, different license activation keys, additional OS packages installed, etc.
To build your own, create a new Dockerfile and specify the desired Db2 base in the FROM
line in the Dockerfile. The following example builds a simple container with Db2 as a base and copy a custom script into the /var/custom
directory. Any script copied into the /var/custom
will be automatically executed after main Db2 setup has completed.
FROM ibmcom/db2
RUN mkdir /var/custom
COPY /var/custom
RUN chmod a+x /var/custom/
By pulling this container image, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as described here
docker pull ibmcom/db2-amd64