
By ibmcom

Updated over 5 years ago

Docker image for geode-ppc64le



Supported Tags and respective Dockerfile links


Yugandha Deshpande

Based On

Usage Information

How To Use Geode Container?

. Start the geode container as follows: $docker run -it -p 8080:80 -p 10334:10334 -p 40404 -p 1099:1099 -p 7070:7070 --name= geode

. Now you will get a geode shell

. Now type following command in ghfs shell: > start locator --name=loc1

. Now if you want you can also access geode pulse dashboard from browser with url: http://vm_ip: 7070/pulse/

License Information

This image uses following licenses [ (lgplv2+ or gplv2+ or mpl) and (netscape or gplv2+ or lgplv2+), mit, lgplv2+, bsd, mit and lucida and public domain, libtiff, asl 1.1 and asl 2.0 and bsd and bsd with advertising and gpl+ and gplv2 and gplv2 with exceptions and ijg and lgplv2+ and mit and mplv2.0 and public domain and w3c and zlib, mplv2.0, (ftl or gplv2+) and bsd and mit and public domain and zlib with acknowledgement, bitstream vera and public domain, mit and public domain and ucd, gplv2+, public domain, lgplv2+ and ucd, lgplv2 or mplv1.1, zlib, ijg, jasper, gplv2 and gplv2+ and lgplv2 and mit, lgplv2 and zlib, bsd-derived (, mit license (mit), mit license, ]

Publication Statement

"This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. IBM may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates IBM policies, and IBM may remove or refuse to display content that IBM reasonably believe violates IBM policies or the law. For more information please see:

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Community Support

For any questions on the publication of this container, please contact us at

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/geode-ppc64le