
By ibmcom

Updated over 2 years ago




This document describes how to deploy Enterprise MongoDB on RedHat's OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power The docker image leveraged are custom built for IBM Power Architecture i.e. ppc64le

Chart details

This Helm Chart can also be downloaded from:

The Helm chart creates the following resources:

  • Service with the name, <release_name>-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-service
  • Deployment with the name, <release_name>-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-deployment
  • NetworkPolicy with the name, <release_name>-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-network-policy
  • Route with the name, <release_name>-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-route

Note : Here, <release name> refers to the name of the helm release.


  • Ensure to install Kubernetes version 1.16.0-0 or later

  • Ensure to install Helm version 3.0.0 or later

  • The default images are available through ibmcom/ibm-enterprise-mongodb-ppc64le

  • Create a persistent volume with the access mode as 'Read write many' and a minimum of 10 GB space.


Instructions to create PV and allocation

Navigate to pre-req folder

  • Edit pv.yaml to include name of the persistent volume
  • Update storageClassName
  • Update the storage ( default GB ) to be allocated to the persistent volume
  • Update NFS server details
  • Add the path from the nfs server to be mounted

Once the values are updated, create the pv

$oc create -f pv.yaml

Note : StorageClassName in values.yaml should be same as the one provided while creating persistent volume (pv.yaml)

Instructions to deploy this helm chart

Git clone this repository on your server -

cd $HOME/
git clone
cd redhat-helm-charts/stable/ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm/

Create a New Project

export NAMESPACE=ibm
oc new-project $NAMESPACE

Update the following variables in values.yaml file -

database.adminuser , database.adminpassword ,database.name_database

this information would be leveraged and corresponding custom user/password with superadmin privileges would be created on MongoDB instance.

Add an hostname/IP for the incoming http traffic by updating variable

Update the variable, which specfies the StorageClassName, Same as the one used by persistent volume

Also update in values.yaml file -

Update SCC in your Namespace, this would be required to allow mongodb container to be executed -

oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:$NAMESPACE:mongodb

Installing helm chart

helm install <HELM_NAME> -f ./values.yaml ../ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm/

e.g :-

helm install test -f ./values.yaml ../ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm/

To validate if chart got installed successfully -

[root@p634-bastion ~]# helm ls
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
NAME	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                            	APP VERSION
test	harsha   	1       	2021-01-19 11:49:53.626581975 -0500 EST	deployed	ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-0.1.0	1.16.0     
[root@p634-bastion ~]# oc get po
NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
test-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-deployment-7d77767cf8-mspj4   1/1     Running   0          3m37s
[root@p634-bastion ~]# 

Expose your deployment, outside OCP

To expose your application outside OCP Cluster, expose the deployment -

[root@p1213-bastion templates]# oc expose deployment test-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-deployment --type=NodePort --name=test-ibm
service/test-ibm exposed
[root@p1213-bastion templates]# oc get nodes
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION   Ready    master,worker   13d   v1.19.0+a5a0987
[root@p1213-bastion templates]# oc get svc
NAME                                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                                                     AGE
test-ibm                                   NodePort     <none>        27017:31466/TCP                                                                                             14s
test-ibm-mongodb-enterprise-helm-service   ClusterIP     <none>        27017/TCP                                                                                                   85m
Common variables that could be modified on the helm chart
values.replicaCountSpecified number of identical pods to be available
values.image.repositoryImage repository address from which the helm chart will pull the image
values.image.pullPolicyContainer image details of appserver
values.image.tagImage tag,version of the image to be pulled form the repository
values.database.adminuserAdmin user to be created for MongoDB database
values.database.adminpasswordPassword to for the Admin user
values.database.name_databaseDefault database to be created on startup of MongoDB
values.service.portPort on which MongoDB instance will be started
values.autoscaling.minReplicasMinimum replicas that needs to be present as the part of deployment
values.autoscaling.maxReplicasMaximum replicas/ pods the deployment can scale
values.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentageMaximum CPU that the pod could utilize on the host of persistant volume claim of the persistant volume
ReadWriteOnce — the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node
ReadOnlyMany — the volume can be mounted read-only by many nodes
ReadWriteMany — the volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes to be allocated to persistant values claim based on capacityUnit Unit in Gigabytes or Megabytes which is used for the persistant volume
values.ingress.hostIngress hostname/ip to process the incoming http traffic Path to be used on the host

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/ibm-enterprise-mongodb-ppc64le