
By ibmcom

Updated almost 4 years ago

IBM® MQ Operator CASE bundle







IBM MQ is messaging middleware that simplifies and accelerates the integration of diverse applications and business data across multiple platforms. It uses message queues to facilitate the exchanges of information and offers a single messaging solution for cloud, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT) and on-premises environments.

The IBM MQ Operator for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform provides an easy way to manage the life cycle of IBM MQ queue managers.

IBM MQ is part of the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.


  • Creation and management of IBM MQ queue managers
    • Use of single-instance or multi-instance queue managers, for high availability
    • Integration with Cloud Pak for Integration Operations Dashboard
    • Single Sign-On (SSO) with the Cloud Pak for Integration, using the IBM Common Services IAM



  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform V4.4 (Kubernetes 1.17)
  • If persistence is enabled you need to ensure a Storage Class is defined in your OpenShift cluster.
Resources Required
  • The IBM MQ Operator requires 1 CPU core and 1 GB memory
  • Each IBM MQ Queue Manager defaults to 1 CPU core and 1 GB memory, but can be run with fewer resources with lower performance
  • The IBM Common Services Operator and its dependencies will be installed automatically when you install the IBM MQ Operator. In addition, when the IBM MQ Operator first starts, it will install the IBM Licensing Operator and its dependencies. If you are using the Cloud Pak for Integration license with the web server enabled, then the IBM Identity and Access Management Operator and IBM Management Ingress Operator and their dependencies will also be installed automatically. For more information, see Hardware requirements and recommendations for IBM Common Services and Dependencies of the IBM Cloud Platform Common Services


See Installing and uninstalling the IBM MQ Operator on OpenShift. Operators need to be installed by a cluster administrator.


See Deploying MQ in containers. Queue managers can be installed by a project (namespace) administrator.

SecurityContextConstraints Requirements

  • IBM MQ runs under the default restricted SecurityContextConstraints.


MQ is configured to use dynamic provisioning of ReadWriteMany (RWX) Persistent Volumes, which use a shared filesystem. MQ is affected by other limits applied to the file system (such as limiting the number of file locks in AWS EFS). See testing statement.


  • Supports only the amd64 CPU architecture
  • Supports OpenShift Container Platform V4.4 onwards only
  • Do not edit the availability type of a QueueManager after initial creation
  • Do not edit the storage settings of a QueueManager after initial creation
  • Do not edit after initial creation
  • The following alpha and beta APIs and features are used by the MQ operator:
    • for Operator installation
    • for Operator installation
    • for installation of additional IBM common operators
    • annotations on Service, to provide a certificate for the webhook


IBM MQ Knowledge Center

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/ibm-mq-operator-bundle