IBM Storage Enabler for Containers enables persistent storage for Kubernetes for IBM block storage.
IBM Storage Enabler for Containers communicates with the IBM storage systems through IBM Spectrum Connect. Spectrum Connect creates a storage profile (for example, gold, silver or bronze) and makes it available for Kubernetes. For details about supported storage systems, refer to the latest Spectrum Connect release notes.
The IBM Storage Enabler for Containers is based on the Ubiquity open-source project. You can download the installation package and its documentation from IBM Fix Central. For details on the IBM Storage Enabler for Containers, see the relevant sections in the Spectrum Connect user guide.
For additional information, see these blog entries:
The IBM Storage Enabler for Containers and components are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Click here for license notices and information.
docker pull ibmcom/ibm-storage-enabler-for-containers