IBM® Electronic Service Agent (ESA) Docker Image.
IBM Electronic Service Agent (ESA) is a monitoring tool that resides on your system to automatically and continuously monitor, collect, and submit hardware problem information to the IBM Electronic Support website. This results a higher availability and faster fix delivery for your environment. IBM Electronic Service Agent can also routinely collect and submit hardware, software and system configuration information, which might help IBM Support in diagnosing problems. IBM ESA is available at no extra charge for systems covered under warranty or maintenance agreements.
Note: This version of ESA as docker container is developed to support only x86 systems.
Create a docker network:
docker network create -d bridge --subnet=<<subnetwork>> --gateway=<<gateway IP>> <<name>>
Example: docker network create -d bridge --subnet= --gateway= esanet
Running ESA Container:
Run the ESA container, by using the following command:
docker container run -itd --name=<Container Name> --restart=unless-stopped --ip <static IP> --net <subnet name> -p 5024:5024 -p 5028:5028 -e HOST="HOST IP Address"
Example: docker container run -itd --name=IBMESAContainer --restart=unless-stopped --ip --net esanet -p 5024:5024 -p 5028:5028 -e HOST=""
Accessing ESA GUI:
Once the ESA container is up and running, you can login to the ESA GUI by using the following URL – https://HOSTIP:5024/esa/login.html [IP is the system IP address on which the docker is installed]. The default credentials of the ESA GUI login are
User name: admin
Password: admin
After successful login to the ESA GUI, activate ESA, which is mandatory for the first time.
Supported URLs:
ESA Website:
ESA Knowledge Center:
docker pull ibmcom/ibmesa