
By ibmcom

Updated over 5 years ago

Docker Image for IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) Z worker node component




What is IBM Cloud Private?

IBM Cloud Private is an application platform for developing and managing on-premises, containerized applications. It is an integrated environment for managing containers that includes the container orchestrator Kubernetes, a private image repository, a management console, and monitoring frameworks.

IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) delivers a customer-managed container solution for enterprises. IBM also offers managed container services in the cloud. For more information about IBM-managed container offerings, see IBM Containers website.

Note: This installer image supports IBM® Z and LinuxONE (s390x) systems. For installation on other platforms, see ibmcom/icp-inception.

Version 3.2.10-ce is now available!

For more information about the IBM Cloud Private version 3.2.1 release, see the Release notes.

Supported tags

  • 3.2.1

The supported tags stand for <IBM Cloud Private-CE version>. The latest tag installs Version 3.2.1.

System requirements

For detailed system requirements for IBM Cloud Private 3.2.1, see System requirements in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Installation procedure

For information about installing an IBM Cloud Private 3.2.1 cluster, see Installing IBM Cloud Private-CE in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Community support


The Programs listed below are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM. If Client does not have previously agreed to license terms in effect for the Program, the International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs (Z125-5589-05) applies.

Program Name (Program Number): IBM Cloud Private-CE 3.2.1 (Community)

The following standard terms apply to Licensee's use of the Program.

Prohibited Uses

Licensee may not use or authorize others to use the Program, alone or in combination with other services or products, in support of any of the following high risk activities: design, construction, control, or maintenance of nuclear facilities, mass transit systems, air traffic control systems, automotive control systems, weapons systems, or aircraft navigation or communications, or any other activity where program failure could give rise to a material threat of death or serious personal injury.

Non-Production Limitation

If the Program is designated as "Non-Production", the Program can only be deployed as part of the Licensee's internal development and test environment for internal non-production activities, including but not limited to testing, performance tuning, fault diagnosis, internal benchmarking, staging, quality assurance activity and/or developing internally used additions or extensions to the Program using published application programming interfaces. Licensee is not authorized to use any part of the Program for any other purposes without acquiring the appropriate production entitlements.

Separately Licensed Code

The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the extent they are held to be invalid or unenforceable under the law that governs this license. Each of the components listed below is considered "Separately Licensed Code". IBM Separately Licensed Code is licensed to Licensee under the terms of the applicable third party license agreement(s) set forth in the NON_IBM_LICENSE file(s) that accompanies the Program. Notwithstanding any of the terms in the Agreement, or any other agreement Licensee may have with IBM, the terms of such third party license agreement(s) governs Licensee's use of all Separately Licensed Code unless otherwise noted below.

Future Program updates or fixes may contain additional Separately Licensed Code. Such additional Separately Licensed Code and related licenses are listed in another NON_IBM_LICENSE file that accompanies the Program update or fix. Licensee acknowledges that Licensee has read and agrees to the license agreements contained in the NON_IBM_LICENSE file(s). If Licensee does not agree to the terms of these third party license agreements, Licensee may not use the Separately Licensed Code.

For Programs acquired under the International Program License Agreement ("IPLA") or International Program License Agreement for Non Warranted Program ("ILAN") and Licensee is the original licensee of the Program, if Licensee does not agree with the third party license agreements, Licensee may return the Program in accordance with the terms of, and within the specified time frames stated in, the "Money-back Guarantee" section of the IPLA or ILAN IBM Agreement.

Note: Notwithstanding any of the terms in the third party license agreement, the Agreement, or any other agreement Licensee may have with IBM: (a) IBM provides this Separately Licensed Code to Licensee WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND; (b) IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SEPARATELY LICENSED CODE; (c) IBM is not liable to Licensee, and will not defend, indemnify, or hold Licensee harmless for any claims arising from or related to the Separately Licensed Code; and (d) IBM is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost data, lost savings, and lost profits, with respect to the Separately Licensed Code.

Notwithstanding these exclusions, in Germany and Austria, IBM's warranty and liability for the Separately Licensed Code is governed only by the respective terms applicable for Germany and Austria in IBM license agreements.

Note: IBM may provide limited support for some Separately Licensed Code. If such support is available, the details and any additional terms related to such support will be set forth in the License Information document.

Java Compatible

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception-s390x