
By ibmcom

Updated over 3 years ago

IBM® MQ Managed File Transfer




Versions of IBM MQ MFT container image after 9.2.4 are no longer hosted on Docker Hub. Instead, you can download the latest version from the IBM Container Registry -

IBM MQ Managed File Transfer transfers files between systems in a managed and auditable way, regardless of file size or the operating systems used. You can use Managed File Transfer to build a customized, scalable, and automated solution that enables you to manage, trust, and secure file transfers. Managed File Transfer eliminates costly redundancies, lowers maintenance costs, and maximizes your existing IT investments.

Refer IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Knowledge Center for more details.

What's new

  • This image is built using the Redistributable Managed File Transfer Package of IBM MQ 9.2.4 Continuous Delivery Release.
  • mqfts - Utility has been enhanced to provide more detailed view of transfer status

Source code

Here is the latest dockerfile and related source code.

Earlier images

Tags for earlier images:

Quick reference


This version of the image is unsupported. However, questions/queries/issues can be raised via GitHub case.


See the Run in a Docker container documentation for details on how to run the image using docker run.

See the Run in a OpenShift Container Platform documentation for details on how to run the image in OpenShift Container Platform.

Transfers, agent status etc can be monitored using IBM MQExplorer Managed File Transfer Plugin. See Connect on-prem MQExplorer to queue manager on OpenShift Container Platform for details.

You can also use the mqfts command to view the status of transfer in the terminal of pod. The mqfts command parses the XML data from capture0.log file of an agent and displays the transfer status on the terminal.

Note that to use the image, it is necessary to accept the terms of the IBM MQ license by setting the LICENSE environment variable to accept.

Environment variables supported by this image
  • LICENSE - Required. Set this to accept to agree to the MQ Advanced for Developers license. If you wish to see the license you can set this to view.
  • MFT_AGENT_CONFIG_FILE - Required. Path of the json file containing information required for setting up an agent. The path must be on a mount point. For example, a configMap on OpenShift. See the agent configuration documentation for a detailed description of attributes.
  • MFT_AGENT_NAME - Required. Name of the agent to configure and start.
  • BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES - Optional - Any JVM specific property that needs to be set when running agent JVM.
  • MFT_LOG_LEVEL - Optional - Level of information displayed. info and verbose are the supported values with info being default. Contents of agent's output0.log is displayed if MFT_LOG_LEVEL is set to verbose. Note the values must be specified in double quotes, like "info".
  1. This image uses a custom Protocol Bridge Credentials exit. Private key and trust stores are not yet supported for Protocol Bridge Agents. Hence only the User Id and Password combination must be used for connecting to FTP/SFTP/FTPS servers.


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Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/mqmft