
By ibmcom

Updated over 4 years ago

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Catalog Source



Docker image for IBM Netcool Operations Insight

What is IBM Netcool Operations Insight

IBM Netcool Operations Insight enables you to monitor the health and performance of IT and network infrastructure across local, cloud and hybrid environments. It also incorporates strong event management capabilities, and leverages real-time alarm and alert analytics, combined with broader historic data analytics, to deliver actionable insight into the performance of services and their associated dynamic network and IT infrastructures.

What is IBM Internal Community Source

The IBM Internal Community Source contains community-driven content to be used by teams as sub-components of a larger product. These products have been certified to be production grade using a certification process and meet the IBM Certified Container criteria described here:

What is in this image

This image is built from the official Red Hat Universal Base Minimal Image. The following components are installed in the image:

  • IBM Netcool Operations Insight

Installation procedure

Note: This component is not intended for separate use. It is a part of the IBM Netcool Operations Insightoperator

For information about installing IBM Netcool Operations Insight with the Operator, see


  • The underlying Operator is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
  • IBM Netcool Operations Insight released product license can be located here

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ibmcom/noi-operator-catalog