Docker image for varnish-cache-ppc64leDocker image for varnish-cache-ppc64le
links"Yugandha Deshpande"
Building and running the container:
$ docker build -t varnish-cache . $ docker run -it -p 8081:80 varnish-cache
Now you will be able to access the server from browser at: http://vm_ip:8081
You will get an error on browser as "Backend fetch failed". However this is expected, and will go if you link some container to it with some service running (Like nginx, httpd). You can provide your own conf file for starting varnishd while running container.
This image uses following licenses [ cpl-1.0, gpl-2.0, mit, python-2.0, gpl-3.0, lgpl-2.0, python-2.1.1, gpl-2, gpl-3+, gpl-3.0+, apache-2.0 and bsd-2-clause ]
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docker pull ibmcom/varnish-cache-ppc64le