
By imbios

Updated about 13 hours ago

Pre-configured Bun and Node.js Docker Images for Seamless, Optimized Development and Deployment.

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Bun and Node.js Docker Images: Optimize Your Development Workflow 🐇 🐳 🐢 🚀

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This repository offers pre-configured Docker images combining Bun, with Node.js, the popular JavaScript runtime. Ideal for development, testing, and production environments.

Use node.js as runtime, and bun as package manager, etc. The node.js in this docker image functions as fallback when bun is not implement the feature yet.


  • Multiple Node.js Versions: Supports Node.js versions which currently supported by docker-node
  • Variety of Builds: Available in Alpine, Debian, and Slim versions

Quick Start

docker pull imbios/bun-node

Build Types

  • alpine: Minimal build ideal for smaller footprint
  • debian: Standard build, balanced between size and features
  • slim: Debian-based but lighter, stripped of unnecessary files
  • Do you need distroless ?

Advanced Image Tagging

imbios/bun-node:<bun-version>-<node-version>-<build-type>[optional -git]
  • bun-version: Bun version (e.g. 1.0.0, 1.0.30, 1) or tag (e.g. latest or canary)
  • node-version: Node.js version (e.g. 18, 20.11, 21.7.1) or tag (e.g. hydrogen, iron, current)
  • build-type: Build type (e.g. alpine, debian, slim)
  • optional -git: Optional git tag, an alpine image with git installed

Show Your Support 🌟

If you find this Docker image useful, please consider giving it a ⭐ star on GitHub and Dockerhub! These stats tell me this code is useful for humanity and makes me prioritize maintenance.


Feel free to contribute by submitting pull requests or by reporting issues.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

For custom configurations and support, visit Project Wiki or Issues.


Docker, Node.js, Bun, Development, Deployment, Alpine, Debian, Slim

Docker Pull Command

docker pull imbios/bun-node