
By inrule

Updated 17 days ago

irCatalog - a SQL-backed repository for InRule Rule Applications



Licensing and Source

Running the image

Place the InRuleLicense.xml file in a location where the IIS process inside the docker container will be able to read it (e.g. not under a user's home directory)

docker run -d --name cat -e CatalogUser=sa -e CatalogPassword=<SA_PASSWORD> -e CatalogDbHost=<DB_HOST> -v '<HOST_LICENSE_DIRECTORY>:C:\ProgramData\InRule\SharedLicenses:ro' inrule/inrule-catalog:latest

When running this image, you'll need to supply all required and any optional environment parameters.

Environment Variables

  • Specify the irCatalog database connection string with the inrule:repository:service:connectionString environment variable

Note that the catalog database must already be present with schema before the catalog service will be fully operational.

(optional) Building the database

The microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express image can be used to quickly stand up an InRuleCatalog database instance. For convenience purposes, a pre-built image pre-populated with the irCatalog database schema is available for selected versions of irCatalog (v5.1.1+) on Docker Hub. Note that this image is currently (as of v5.1.1) unsupported.

Docker run command to start a SQL DB container

docker run -d -p:1433:1433 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -v c:\inrule-catalog-db\:c:\data\ -e sa_password=<SA_PASSWORD> microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express

The -v option tells Docker to mount the contents of the given host directory - c:\inrule-catalog-db\ - in the container as c:\data\. This faciliates transfer of database between containers. Connect to the SQL instance with any client such as SQL Server Management Studio and run the Catalog DB creation scripts (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\InRule\irServer\RepositoryService\DbBuildScripts) to create the catalog database

Mount an existing database into a new container

docker run... -e attach_dbs="[{'dbName':'InRuleCatalog', 'dbFiles': ['C:\\data\\InRuleCatalog.mdf', 'C:\\data\\InRuleCatalog.ldf']}]"... microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express

Docker Pull Command

docker pull inrule/inrule-catalog