irCatalog - a SQL-backed repository for InRule Rule Applications
Place the InRuleLicense.xml
file in a location where the IIS process inside the docker container will be able to read it (e.g. not under a user's home directory)
docker run -d --name cat -e CatalogUser=sa -e CatalogPassword=<SA_PASSWORD> -e CatalogDbHost=<DB_HOST> -v '<HOST_LICENSE_DIRECTORY>:C:\ProgramData\InRule\SharedLicenses:ro' inrule/inrule-catalog:latest
When running this image, you'll need to supply all required and any optional environment parameters.
environment variableNote that the catalog database must already be present with schema before the catalog service will be fully operational.
The microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express image can be used to quickly stand up an InRuleCatalog database instance. For convenience purposes, a pre-built image pre-populated with the irCatalog database schema is available for selected versions of irCatalog (v5.1.1+) on Docker Hub. Note that this image is currently (as of v5.1.1) unsupported.
docker run -d -p:1433:1433 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -v c:\inrule-catalog-db\:c:\data\ -e sa_password=<SA_PASSWORD> microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express
The -v
option tells Docker to mount the contents of the given host directory - c:\inrule-catalog-db\
- in the container as c:\data\
. This faciliates transfer of database between containers. Connect to the SQL instance with any client such as SQL Server Management Studio and run the Catalog DB creation scripts (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\InRule\irServer\RepositoryService\DbBuildScripts
) to create the catalog database
docker run... -e attach_dbs="[{'dbName':'InRuleCatalog', 'dbFiles': ['C:\\data\\InRuleCatalog.mdf', 'C:\\data\\InRuleCatalog.ldf']}]"... microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express
docker pull inrule/inrule-catalog