
Verified Publisher

By Intel Corporation

Updated 8 months ago

Data Science
Databases & Storage
Internet of Things



Apache Cassandra is an open source NoSQL distributed database trusted by thousands of companies for scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.

  • JDK14 stands for openjdk14 and Cassandra 4.0.6.
Environment Variables

Parameters for workload configuration:

  • SERVER_POD_LEVEL - Kubernetes Pods QoS class level for Server Pods. Guaranteed|Burstable|BestEffort. Default value is Burstable.
  • SERVER_POD_MEMORY - Additional parameter for SERVER_POD_LEVEL. Only used in Guaranteed level. Default value is 30GB.
  • SERVER_POD_CPU - Additional parameter for SERVER_POD_LEVEL. Default value is 1. Which represents 1 CPU core.
  • INSTANCE_NUM - The nubmer of Cassandra server and client instances to run concurrently.
  • CASSANDRA_NUMACTL_ENABLE - Numactl for Cassandra server. Cassandra server instances will bond to CPU sockets evenly. Default is 'true'
  • JVM_HEAP_SIZE - JVM configuration for '-Xms' and '-Xmx'. '-Xms' is min heap size and '-Xmx' is max heap size, values set to same to avoid stop-the-world GC pauses during resize. If the value are larger than free memory size, it will be adjust to '80% * free memory size'.
  • JVM_GC_TYPE - JVM garbage collection type. Suggestion is to use '+UseG1GC'. Default value is '+UseG1GC'
  • HOST_NETWORK_ENABLE - Using host network or not for Cassandra pod. Default vaule is true
  • NETWORK_RPS_TUNE_ENABLE - RPS tuning flag on cloud, Default value is false. If set to true, RPS used all cores.
  • JDK_VERSION - JDK14 stands for openjdk14 and Cassandra 4.0.6.
  • CASSANDRA_FILL_DATA - Boolean variable(true | false). If set to 'true' means generating data in advance and then do the performance testing. If set to 'false' means do the performance testing directly.
  • CASSANDRA_DISK_MOUNT - Boolean variable(true | false). Default value is 'false'. If set to 'true', it will mount to Cassandra server pod '/mnt/data[0...INSTANCE_NUM]'. The purpose is to set each Cassandra server instance has its own independent disk.
  • EPHEMERAL_STORAGE_SIZE - It is kubernetes paramaters 'ephemeral-storage'. Requesting disk space for performance test. Default value is 250Gi

Docker Pull Command

docker pull intel/intel-optimized-cassandra