Apache Cassandra is an open source NoSQL distributed database trusted by thousands of companies for scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.
stands for openjdk14 and Cassandra 4.0.6.Parameters for workload configuration:
- Kubernetes Pods QoS class level for Server Pods. Guaranteed|Burstable|BestEffort. Default value is Burstable.SERVER_POD_MEMORY
- Additional parameter for SERVER_POD_LEVEL. Only used in Guaranteed level. Default value is 30GB.SERVER_POD_CPU
- Additional parameter for SERVER_POD_LEVEL. Default value is 1. Which represents 1 CPU core.INSTANCE_NUM
- The nubmer of Cassandra server and client instances to run concurrently.CASSANDRA_NUMACTL_ENABLE
- Numactl for Cassandra server. Cassandra server instances will bond to CPU sockets evenly. Default is 'true'JVM_HEAP_SIZE
- JVM configuration for '-Xms' and '-Xmx'. '-Xms' is min heap size and '-Xmx' is max heap size, values set to same to avoid stop-the-world GC pauses during resize. If the value are larger than free memory size, it will be adjust to '80% * free memory size'.JVM_GC_TYPE
- JVM garbage collection type. Suggestion is to use '+UseG1GC'. Default value is '+UseG1GC'HOST_NETWORK_ENABLE
- Using host network or not for Cassandra pod. Default vaule is trueNETWORK_RPS_TUNE_ENABLE
- RPS tuning flag on cloud, Default value is false. If set to true, RPS used all cores.JDK_VERSION
- JDK14 stands for openjdk14
and Cassandra 4.0.6
- Boolean variable(true | false). If set to 'true' means generating data in advance and then do the performance testing. If set to 'false' means do the performance testing directly.CASSANDRA_DISK_MOUNT
- Boolean variable(true | false). Default value is 'false'. If set to 'true', it will mount to Cassandra server pod '/mnt/data[0...INSTANCE_NUM]'. The purpose is to set each Cassandra server instance has its own independent disk.EPHEMERAL_STORAGE_SIZE
- It is kubernetes paramaters 'ephemeral-storage'. Requesting disk space for performance test. Default value is 250Gidocker pull intel/intel-optimized-cassandra