
By intelanalytics

Updated over 2 years ago

Docker image is used for fast analytics-zoo installation and configuration.



What is Analytics Zoo?

Analytics Zoo makes it easy to build deep learning application on Spark and BigDL, by providing an end-to-end Analytics + AI Platform (including high level pipeline APIs, built-in deep learning models, reference use cases, etc.).

LEGAL NOTICE: By accessing, downloading or using this software and any required dependent software (the “Software Package”), you agree to the terms and conditions of the software license agreements for the Software Package, which may also include notices, disclaimers, or license terms for third party software included with the Software Package. Please refer to the “third-party-programs.txt” or other similarly-named text file for additional details.

High level pipeline APIs

nnframes: native deep learning support in Spark DataFrames and ML Pipelines
autograd: build custom layer/loss using auto differentiation operations
Transfer learning: customize pretained model for feature extraction or fine-tuning

Built-in deep learning models

Object detection API: high-level API and pretrained models (e.g., SSD and Faster-RCNN) for object detection
Image classification API: high-level API and pretrained models (e.g., VGG, Inception, ResNet, MobileNet, etc.) for image classification
Text classification API: high-level API and pre-defined models (using CNN, LSTM, etc.) for text classification
Recommedation API: high-level API and pre-defined models (e.g., Neural Collaborative Filtering, Wide and Deep Learning, etc.) for recommendation

Reference use cases: a collection of end-to-end reference use cases (e.g., anomaly detection, sentiment analysis, fraud detection, image augmentation, object detection, variational autoencoder, etc.)

To use the image

To start a notebook directly with a specified port(e.g. 12345). You can view the notebook on http://[host-ip]:12345

sudo docker run -it --rm -p 12345:12345 -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:default
sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:default
sudo docker run -it --rm -p 12345:12345 -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:0.2.0-bigdl_0.6.0-spark_2.2.0
sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:0.2.0-bigdl_0.6.0-spark_2.2.0

If you need http and https proxy in your environment:

sudo docker run -it --rm -p 12345:12345 -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" -e http_proxy=http://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port -e https_proxy=https://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:default

sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" -e http_proxy=http://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port -e https_proxy=https://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port  intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:default

sudo docker run -it --rm -p 12345:12345 -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" -e http_proxy=http://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port -e https_proxy=https://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port  intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:0.2.0-bigdl_0.6.0-spark_2.2.0

sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" -e http_proxy=http://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port -e https_proxy=https://your-proxy-host:your-proxy-port intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:0.2.0-bigdl_0.6.0-spark_2.2.0

You can also start the container first:

sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host -e NotebookPort=12345 -e NotebookToken="your-token" intelanalytics/analytics-zoo:default bash

In the container, after setting proxy and ports, you can start the Notebook by:



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Docker Pull Command

docker pull intelanalytics/analytics-zoo