Start the notebook container (v2)
docker run -it --net=host -e NotebookPort=8888(or other port you want) -e HTTPS_PROXY=(your proxy, optional) -e HTTP_PROXY=(your proxy, optional) intelanalytics/bigdl:0.1.1-spark2.1.0-u14.04-v2
#### Start the notebook in the container ####
> ~~~shell
docker run -it --net=host intelanalytics/bigdl:0.1.1-spark2.1.0-u14.04-v2 /bin/bash
In container, after setting proxy and ports
#### Browse the web and try the notebook ####
You can view the notebook on
http://[host-ip]:8888 (or port you set)
docker pull intelanalytics/bigdl