We assumed that the burrow density is proportional to the calling rate. Here, the larger area refers to the potential nesting area, while the smaller area refers to the area where we conducted an intensive burrow search. We used the burrow density and the calling rate in the smaller area to estimate the burrow density in the larger area. The calling rate was 3.01 (calls per minute) in the smaller area and 2.03 (calls per minute) in the larger area. For the larger area, we estimated a burrow density of 0.000024 burrows per square meter. Multiplying this density by the larger area, we get 175 burrows or breeding pairs of Townsend's shearwater on Socorro Island for 2021.
Class | Pairs |
Pre-breeding | 183 |
Breeding | 175 |
Non-breeding | 158 |
TOTAL | 516 |
to NFWF through GitHubtosh_population_dynamics.pdf
docker pull islasgeci/tosh_population_size