Docker image with dokuwiki and nginx. Supports user-friendly URLs.
Docker container image with DokuWiki and nginx
Assume your docker host is localhost and HTTP public port is 8000 (change these values if you need).
First, run new dokuwiki container:
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
Then setup dokuwiki using installer at URL http://localhost:8000/install.php
To make sure data won't be deleted if container is removed, create an empty container named dokuwiki-data
and attach DokuWiki container's volumes to it. Volumes won't be deleted if at least one container owns them.
# create data container
docker run --volumes-from dokuwiki --name dokuwiki-data busybox
# now you can safely delete dokuwiki container
docker stop dokuwiki && docker rm dokuwiki
# to restore dokuwiki, create new dokuwiki container and attach dokuwiki-data volume to it
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --volumes-from dokuwiki-data --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
Dokuwiki installs plugins to lib/plugins/
, but this folder isn't inside persistent volume storage by default, so all plugins will be erased when container is re-created. The recommended way to make plugins persistent is to create your own Docker image with istepanov/dokuwiki
as a base image and use shell commands inside the Dockerfile to install needed plugins.
Example (install Dokuwiki ToDo plugin):
FROM istepanov/dokuwiki
MAINTAINER Ilya Stepanov <>
# this is an example Dockerfile that demonstrates how to add Dokuwiki plugins to istepanov/dokuwiki image
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y unzip && \
apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
# add todo plugin
RUN curl -O -L "" && \
unzip -d /var/www/lib/plugins/ && \
mv /var/www/lib/plugins/dokuwiki-plugin-todo-stable /var/www/lib/plugins/todo && \
rm -rf
# create dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz archive in current directory using temporaty container
docker run --rm --volumes-from dokuwiki -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar zcvf /backup/dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz /var/dokuwiki-storage
Note: only these folders are backed up:
#create new dokuwiki container, but don't start it yet
docker create -p 8000:80 --name dokuwiki istepanov/dokuwiki:2.0
# create data container for persistency (optional)
docker run --volumes-from dokuwiki --name dokuwiki-data busybox
# restore from backup using temporary container
docker run --rm --volumes-from dokuwiki -w / -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar xzvf /backup/dokuwiki-backup.tar.gz
# start dokuwiki
docker start dokuwiki
docker pull istepanov/dokuwiki