
By italia

Updated 9 months ago

A Go parser for publiccode.yml files



publiccode.yml parser for Go

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A Go parser and validator for publiccode.yml files.

publiccode.yml is an international standard for describing public software, which should be placed at the root of Free/Libre and Open Source software repositories.

This parser performs syntactic and semantic validation according to the official spec.


  • Support for the Italian extension
  • Check ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and alpha-3 country codes
  • Validate emails, URLs (http scheme, valid status code), local and remote files, dates as "YYYY-MM-DD", images (colors, mimes)
  • Check pa-types
  • Validate oembed video links and retrieve HTML for easy embedding
  • Validate SPDX licenses. Without WITH keyword.
  • Check tags
  • Strict and non-strict modes (use non-strict when you want to be tolerant, such as in a crawler, but use strict in editors and validators)


parser := publiccode.NewParser()

// all these settings are optional:
parser.LocalBasePath = "/path/to/local/clone"
parser.RemoteBaseURL = ""
parser.DisableNetwork = false

err := parser.ParseRemoteFile(url)
pc := parser.PublicCode

Validation from command line

This repository also contains pcvalidate which can be used for validating a publiccode.yml from the command line.

To get the latest development version use:

go get
pcvalidate mypubliccode.yml

To get the latest stable version go to the release page and grab the one for your arch.

Run pcvalidate --help for the available command line flags.

The tool returns 0 in case of successful validation, 1 otherwise.

Easy validation with Docker

You can easily validate your files using Docker on your local machine or in your CI pipeline:

docker run -i italia/publiccode-parser-go /dev/stdin < publiccode.yml

The image is available on Dockerhub. You can also build your own running:

docker build -t italia/publiccode-parser-go .

The examples assume that your publiccode.yml file is on your local machine, at /home/my-user/publiccodes/publiccode.yml

  • Validate and print the canonicalized file

    docker run -i italia/publiccode-parser-go -export /dev/stdout /dev/stdin < publiccode.yml
  • Validate a publiccode file named publiccode.yml (default)

    docker run -v /home/my-user/publiccodes:/files italia/publiccode-parser-go
  • Validate a publiccode file named /opt/publiccodes/my-amazing-code.yaml

    docker run -v /opt/publiccodes:/files italia/publiccode-parser-go my-amazing-code.yaml
  • Do extra validations of the local publiccode.yml file against the corresponding remote repository

    docker run -v /opt/publiccodes/publiccodes:/files italia/publiccode-parser-go -remote-base-url
  • Debugging, access the container interactive shell, overriding the entrypoint

    docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh italia/publiccode-parser-go


In order to update the assets, run this command:

go-bindata -o assets.go data/

And change the package name into publiccode


Contributing is always appreciated. Feel free to open issues, fork or submit a Pull Request. If you want to know more about how to add new fields, check out In order to support other country-specific extensions in addition to Italy some refactoring might be needed.

See also


This software is maintained by the Developers Italia team.


© 2018-2020 Team per la Trasformazione Digitale - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Minstri

Licensed under the EUPL. The version control system provides attribution for specific lines of code.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull italia/publiccode-parser-go