Provides a development/build environment for Java, Groovy, and NodeJS.
Provides a development/build environment for Java, Groovy, and NodeJS.
Since devbox containers are intended to be disposable, the image is configured
with a "volume" at /shared
There are a couple of ways you can leverage that volume. Either attach it to a host-local directory:
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workarea:/shared --rm itzg/devbox
or run a "base" container and mounts the /shared
from that onto any
subsequent containers:
docker run --name devbox-base itzg/devbox touch /shared/READY
docker run -it --volumes-from devbox-base --rm itzg/devbox
NOTE I am using the --rm
option so the devbox containers will be truly
"burn after use".
docker pull itzg/devbox