
Sponsored OSS

By itzg

Updated 10 months ago

Runs the rcon-web-admin tool

Integration & Delivery


Docker Pulls

This image lets you run the rcon-web-admin administration tool as a Docker container. A great benefit of running rcon-web-admin in Docker, especially in a Docker Composition is that the RCON port of your game server can remain securely isolated within the Docker network.

Getting Started

To get up and running quickly, use

docker run -d --name rcon-web \
  -p 4326:4326 -p 4327:4327 \
  -e RWA_PASSWORD=password \

With that you can follow the regular instructions and access the web UI at http://YOUR_DOCKER_HOST:4326


Environment Variables

RWA_ENV is preset to "TRUE" in this image, so all of the environment variables described in rcon-web-admin are available for use.

  • RWA_PASSWORD : required to be set for the initial user (by default admin) password
  • RWA_RCON_HOST : should be set to the Minecraft server's hostname, such as the service name in a Docker Compose deployment
  • /opt/rcon-web-admin/db
  • 4326 : web UI
  • 4327 : websocket access from UI


Running with itzg/minecraft-server

To run this with the itzg/minecraft-server image, simply download/modify this docker-compose.yml and then use docker-compose or docker stack deploy -c to bring up the composition.

With that particular composition, configure a new server as shown here (with an RCON password of "testing")

With the server configured, go to the Dashboard and pick the server "minecraft". The following shows adding a "Console" widget and running the "help" command against Minecraft:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull itzg/rcon