
By ixdotai

Updated 9 days ago

Extension of saltstack/salt:latest with built-in support for gitfs and gpg




Pipeline StatusDocker Image Size (latest)Gitlab Project

This image started as an extenstion of the (now archived) project /saltstack/open/saltdocker.

Added / Upgraded


  • Use as you normally would saltstack/salt:latest
  • Mount your SSH private key under /etc/salt/sshkeys/saltmaster
  • Mount your GPG homedir under /etc/salt/gpgkeys

Note: If you don't supply the SSH private key or the GPG homedir, they will be automatically generated

Optionally create the keys manually

SSH Keys:

docker volume create sshkeys
docker run --rm --volume sshkeys:/etc/salt/sshkeys registry.gitlab.com/ix.ai/saltmaster gen-ssh.sh

GPG Keyring:

docker volume create gpgkeys
docker run --rm --volume gpgkeys:/etc/salt/gpgkeys registry.gitlab.com/ix.ai/saltmaster gen-gpg.sh

Start it up

docker run --rm \
           --volume sshkeys:/etc/salt/sshkeys \
           --volume gpgkeys:/etc/salt/gpgkeys \
           --volume cache:/var/cache/salt \
           --volume pki:/etc/salt/pki \
           -p 4505:4505 \
           -p 4506:4506 \

Environment Variables

Inherited from the original project, the Salt image uses several environment variables which are easy to miss. While none of the variables are required, they may significantly aid you in using the image.


A JSON object. This variable is dumped to /etc/salt/master.d/master.conf and can be used to provide extra config for the salt master.


A JSON object. This variable is dumped to /etc/salt/master.d/api.conf, and defaults to the following.

  port: 8000,
  ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
  ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key
        salt: ['.*', '@wheel', '@jobs', '@runner']
sharedsecret: $SALT_SHARED_SECRET

If this environment variable is set, it will set the sharedsecret variable for using the salt-api with the salt user.

Version tags

  • registry.gitlab.com/ix.ai/saltmaster:dev-master is the latest build on the master branch
  • registry.gitlab.com/ix.ai/saltmaster:latest is the latest build on a git tag
  • all other tags follow the salt releases

Warning: The build on the master brancch always installs the latestpypi salt version at the time of the pipeline run!

Multi-Arch Support

Starting with 3005.1, this image is multi-arch, supporting:

  • AMD64
  • ARM64
  • ARMv7 (disabled)
  • ARMv6 (disabled)
  • i386


Docker Pull Command

docker pull ixdotai/saltmaster