Python client for Jive ReST API v3, with utilities for massaging HTML to display better on Jive.
Simple and limited Python client for Jive collaboration software ReST API v3, along with utilities for massaging HTML to display better on Jive. Also comes pre-installed in a Docker image and a Sphinx theme and builder for Jive-optimized HTML output.
Note: Full documentation is hosted at http://jiveapi.readthedocs.io/. This README is just a short introduction.
I'm writing this to be a working Python wrapper around a small portion of the Jive ReST API - specifically, uploading/publishing updating Documents, uploading embedded Images, and manipulating the input HTML to display better in Jive. I'm doing this in my personal time, but we'll be using the project at work for a very limited requirement: "syndicating" documentation that we publish on internal web servers (mostly Sphinx and Hugo static sites) to our corporate Jive instance. I don't plan on adding support beyond what's required for that, but contributions are welcome.
For the time being, this should be considered Alpha-quality software. It's young and likely only has a handful of code paths exercised on a regular basis, and from what I've seen in practice and in the documentation, I can only assume that Jive has many error conditions this software has yet to see. In short, for the time being, make sure you sanity check things or don't rely on this working 100% of the time. Bug reports are very welcome, but please be sure to include full debugging output.
At least for this initial release, it is highly recommended that you capture DEBUG-level logging, as this will contain the Jive internal IDs needed if something goes wrong.
) and Builder (also called jiveapi
) optimized for building single-page HTML for uploading to Jive.jiveapi is also available in a self-contained Docker image with all dependencies. See https://hub.docker.com/r/jantman/jiveapi/.
See the full documentation at: http://jiveapi.readthedocs.io/
This software is licensed under the Affero General Public License, version 3 or later. If you're not redistributing or modifying this software, compliance with the license is simple: make sure anyone interacting with it (even remotely over a network) is informed of where the source code can be downloaded (the project URL in the Python package, or the jiveapi.version.PROJECT_URL
string constant). If you intend on modifying it, the user must have a way of retrieving the exact running source code. If you're intending on distributing it outside your company, please read the full license and consult your legal counsel or Open Source Compliance policy.
docker pull jantman/jiveapi