Linux WiFi site surveys w/ results as a heatmap overlayed on a floorplan.
.. image:: https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/wip.svg :alt: Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. :target: https://www.repostatus.org/#wip
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/docker/cloud/build/jantman/python-wifi-survey-heatmap.svg :alt: Docker Hub Build Status :target: https://hub.docker.com/r/jantman/python-wifi-survey-heatmap
A Python application for Linux machines to perform WiFi site surveys and present the results as a heatmap overlayed on a floorplan.
This is very rough, very alpha code. The heatmap generation code is roughly based on
Beau Gunderson's MIT-licensed wifi-heatmap code <https://github.com/beaugunderson/wifi-heatmap>
Check out the Running In Docker steps below to get single-line commands that run without the need to install anything on your computer (thanks to using docker
Creating a heatmap using the software consists of the following three essential steps:
server on any machine in your local network. This server is used for bandwidth measurements to be independent of your Internet connection. When omitting the --server
option, this may be skipped, however, be aware that the performance heatmaps tpyically are the icing on the cake of your measurement and are very useful in determining the real performance of your WiFi.wifi-survey
tool to record a measurement. You can load a floorplan and click on your current location ot record signal strength and determine the achievable bandwidth.wifi-heatmap
tool to compute a high-resolution heatmap from your recorded data. In case your data turns out to be too coarse, you can always go back to step 2 and delete or move old and also add new measurements at any time.NOTE: These can all be ignored when using Docker. See below.
iperf3 <https://pypi.org/project/iperf3/>
_ package, which needs iperf3 <http://software.es.net/iperf/>
_ installed on your system.libiw <https://pypi.org/project/libiw/>
_ package.wxPython Phoenix <https://wiki.wxpython.org/How%20to%20install%20wxPython>
_, which unfortunately must be installed using OS packages or built from source.Recommended installation is via python setup.py develop
in a virtualenv setup with --system-site-packages
(for the above dependencies).
Tested with Python 3.7.
At each survey location, data collection should take 45-60 seconds. The data collected is currently:
argument of wifi-survey
. This has great influence on the actual length of the individual data collections.Server Setup ++++++++++++
On the system you're using as the iperf3
server, run iperf3 -s
to start iperf3 in server mode in the foreground.
By default it will use TCP and UDP ports 5201 for communication, and these must be open in your firewall (at least from the client machine).
Ideally, you should be running the same exact iperf3 version on both machines.
Performing a Survey +++++++++++++++++++
The survey tool (wifi-survey
) must be run as root or via sudo
in order to use iwconfig/iwlist.
First connect to the network that you want to survey. Then, run sudo wifi-survey
Command-line options include:
/ --interface INTERFACE
is the name of your Wireless interface (e.g. wlp3s0
/ --picture PICTURE
is the path to a floorplan PNG file to use as the background for the map; see examples/example_floorplan.png <examples/example_floorplan.png>
_ for an example. In order to compare multiple surveys it may be helpful to pre-mark your measurement points on the floorplan, like examples/example_with_marks.png <examples/example_with_marks.png
_. The UI currently loads the PNG at exact size, so it may help to scale your PNG file to your display.-t TITLE
/ --title TITLE
is the title for the survey (such as the network name or AP location), which will also be used to name the data file and output files.-s IPERF3_SERVER
/ --server IPERF3_SERVER
to enable iperf3
scans. The generated speed heatmaps are very useful (much more useful than signal strength) in visualizing the real performance of your network as they are live measurements with real data (instead of only theoretical values).-S
/ --scan
to enable wireless scaning at the end of each measurement. This may take a lot of time, however, generates data used later for generating channel utilization graphs. If you're using a modern wireless product that allows running RF scans, it makes sense to use that data instead of these scans.-b BSSID
/ --bssid BSSID
allows you to specify a single desired BSSID for your survey. This will be checked several times during of every measurement, and the measurement will be discarded if you're connected to the wrong BSSID. This can be useful as a safeguard to make sure you don't accidentally roam to a different AP.-d 123
/ --duration 123
allows you to change the duration of each individual iperf3
test run (default is 10 seconds as mentioned above)If TITLE.json
already exists, the data from it will be pre-loaded into the application; this can be used to resume a survey.
When the UI loads, you should see your PNG file displayed. The UI is really simple:
and it's ready for the next measurement. If iperf3
encounters an error, you'll be prompted whether you want to retry or not; if you don't, whatever results iperf was able to obtain will be saved for that point.At the end of the process, you should end up with a JSON file in your current directory named after the title you provided to wifi-survey
) that's owned by root. Fix the permissions if you want.
Note: The actual survey methodology is largely up to you. In order to get accurate results, you likely want to manually handle AP associations yourself. Ideally, you lock your client to a single AP and single frequency/band for the survey.
Playing A Sound When Measurement Finishes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It's possible to have wifi-survey
play a sound when each measurement is complete. This can be handy if you're reading or watching something in another window while waiting for the measurements.
To enable this, call wifi-survey
with the --ding
argument, passing it the path to an audio file to play. A short sound effect is included in this repository at wifi_survey_heatmap/complete.oga
and can be used via --ding wifi_survey_heatmap/complete.oga
. by default, this will call /usr/bin/paplay
(the PulseAudio player) passing it the ding file path as the only argument. The command used can be overridden with --ding-command /path/to/command
but it must be one that accepts the path to an audio file as its only argument.
Inside Docker, however, this becomes quite a bit more difficult. Currently PulseAudio systems are supported, and this can be set up and enabled with the following steps:
network: ip addr show dev docker0
- mine (and most Linux machines) is
network. I do this using ip route show dev docker0
, which gives me a CIDR of
pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp port=34567 auth-ip-acl=
rule. For example, to insert a rule at position 5 in the INPUT
chain: iptables -I INPUT 5 -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 34567 -m comment --comment "accept PulseAudio port 34567 tcp from Docker" -j ACCEPT
-e "PULSE_SERVER=tcp:"
to the docker run
, add the --ding
argument as specified above. Note that the path to the file must be inside the container; you can put an audio file in your current directory and use it via --ding /pwd/audioFile
or you can use the default file built-in to the container via --ding /app/wifi_survey_heatmap/complete.oga
Heatmap Generation ++++++++++++++++++
Once you've performed a survey with a given title and the results are saved in Title.json
, run wifi-heatmap TITLE
to generate heatmap files in the current directory. This process does not require (and shouldn't have) root/sudo and operates only on the JSON data file. For this, it will look better if you use a PNG without the measurement location marks.
You can optionally pass the path to a JSON file mapping the access point MAC addresses (BSSIDs) to friendly names via the -a
/ --ap-names
argument. If specified, this will annotate each measurement dot on the heatmap with the name (mapping value) and frequency band of the AP that was connected when the measurement was taken. This can be useful in multi-AP roaming environments.
The end result of this process for a given survey (Title) should be some .png
images in your current directory:
- Bar graph of average signal quality of APs seen on 2.4 GHz channels, by channel. Useful for visualizing channel contention. (Based on 20 MHz channel bandwidth)channels5_TITLE.png
- Bar graph of average signal quality of APs seen on 5 GHz channels, by channel. Useful for visualizing channel contention. (Based on per-channel bandwidth from 20 to 160 MHz)signal_quality_TITLE.png
- Heatmap based on the received signal strength.tx_power_TITLE.png
- Heatmap based on the transmitter power your WiFi card used. If your WiFi card doe snot support adaptive power management, this number will stay constant.tcp_download_Mbps_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of iperf3
transfer rate, TCP, downloading from server to client.tcp_upload_Mbps_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of iperf3
transfer rate, TCP, uploading from client to server.udp_download_Mbps_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of iperf3
transfer rate, UDP, downloading from server to client.udp_upload_Mbps_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of iperf3
transfer rate, UDP, uploading from client to server.jitter_download_TITLE.png
- Heatmap based on UDP jitter measurement in milliseconds.jitter_upload_TITLE.png
- Heatmap based on UDP jitter measurement in milliseconds.frequency_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of used frequency. May reveal zones in which Wi-Fi steering moved the device onto a different band (2.4GHz / 5 GHz co-existance).channel_bitrate_TITLE.png
- Heatmap of negotiated channel bandwidthIf you'd like to synchronize the colors/thresholds across multiple heatmaps, such as when comparing different AP placements, you can run wifi-heatmap-thresholds
passing it each of the titles / output JSON filenames. This will generate a thresholds.json
file in the current directory, suitable for passing to the wifi-heatmap
/ --thresholds
Add --show-points
to see the measurement points in the generated maps. Typically, they aren't important when you have a sufficiently dense grid of points so they are hidden by default.
Survey ++++++
.. code-block:: bash
docker run
--name survey
-v $(pwd):/pwd
-w /pwd
-v "$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:ro"
Note that running with --net="host"
and --privileged
is required in order to manipulate the host's wireless interface.
Heatmap +++++++
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/pwd -w /pwd jantman/python-wifi-survey-heatmap:23429a4 wifi-heatmap Example
iperf3 server +++++++++++++
Server: docker run -it --rm -p 5201:5201/tcp -p 5201:5201/udp jantman/python-wifi-survey-heatmap iperf3 -s
Floorplan +++++++++
.. image:: examples/example_floorplan.png :alt: example floorplan image
Floorplan with Measurement Marks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/example_with_marks.png :alt: example floorplan image with measurement marks
2.4 GHz Channels ++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/channels24_WAP1.png :alt: example 2.4 GHz channel usage
5 GHz Channels ++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/channels5_WAP1.png :alt: example 5 GHz channel usage
Jitter ++++++
.. image:: examples/jitter_WAP1.png :alt: example jitter heatmap
Quality +++++++
.. image:: examples/quality_WAP1.png :alt: example quality heatmap
RSSI / Signal Strength ++++++++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/rssi_WAP1.png :alt: example rssi heatmap
TCP Download Speed (Mbps) +++++++++++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/tcp_download_Mbps_WAP1.png :alt: example tcp download heatmap
TCP Upload Speed (Mbps) +++++++++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/tcp_upload_Mbps_WAP1.png :alt: example tcp upload heatmap
UDP Upload Speed (Mbps) +++++++++++++++++++++++
.. image:: examples/udp_Mbps_WAP1.png :alt: example udp upload heatmap
docker pull jantman/python-wifi-survey-heatmap