Docker Compose with Nginx, PHP8.2 + DB Extensions; MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server (MSSQL)
Docker Compose with Nginx, PHP8.2 Supported DB Extensions: MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server (MSSQL) Additional Extensions: GD, Intl, PCNTL, Zip, Exif, WebP, Xdebug, Composer
To build from source you need to clone the git repo and run docker build:
$ git clone https://github.com/JavierAgueroCL/docker-php8.2-with-db-extensions.git
$ cd docker-php8.2-with-db-extensions
followed by
$ docker compose up
Copy the Git files in your Laravel (or something) proyect and run
$ docker compose up
Default web root:
docker pull javieraguerocl/docker-php8.2-with-db-extensions