
By jaymoulin

Updated 10 months ago

Docker Image (Multiarch) - Twitter CLI Client




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Docker Image (Multiarch) - Twitter CLI Client

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This program allows you to use Twitter in CLI through Docker technology

This work is based upon Sferik's T (Twitter CLI client).

Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub Issues


First, you need to authenticate to twitter with the following command:

docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/authkey/folder:/root jaymoulin/twitter-cli authorize

Then, follow the displayed instructions.

When done, you should be able to execute Sferik's T (Twitter CLI client) commands following this pattern:

docker run -ti --rm -v /path/to/authkey/folder:/root jaymoulin/twitter-cli <command>

For example:

docker run -ti --rm -v ~/.trc:/root/.trc jaymoulin/twitter-cli whois moulinjay

Should give you something like :

Screen name  @MoulinJay
Name         Jay MOULIN
Tweets       41
Favorites    15
Listed       1
Following    188
Followers    28
Bio          Tech addict - Tech Lead - #PHP/#Docker/#DevOps/#RaspberryPi https://t.co/mCz8IsZKVh / https://t.co/4eCuM0F00W . Also Lead Vocalist at AANOD
Location     Paris, France
URL          http://jaymoulin.github.io


Install Docker

If you don't have Docker installed yet, you can do it easily in one line using this command

curl -sSL "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jaymoulin/e749a189511cd965f45919f2f99e45f3/raw/0e650b38fde684c4ac534b254099d6d5543375f1/ARM%2520(Raspberry%2520PI)%2520Docker%2520Install" | sudo sh && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER


Jay MOULIN jaymoulin@gmail.com See also the list of contributors which participated in this program.


This Docker image is licensed under the MIT License

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jaymoulin/twitter-cli