
By jc21

Updated almost 5 years ago

A nice web interface for managing your Docker Registry images



Docker Registry UI

Docker Registry UI


Have you ever wanted a visual website to show you the contents of your Docker Registry? Look no further. Now you can list your Images, Tags and info in style.

This project comes as a pre-built docker image capable of connecting to another registry.

Note: This project only works with Docker Registry v2.

Getting started

Using Rancher?

Easily start a Registry Stack by adding my template catalog.

Creating a full Docker Registry Stack with this UI

By far the easiest way to get up and running. Refer to the example docker-compose.yml example file, put it on your Docker host and run:

docker-compose up -d

Then hit your server on

If you have your own Docker Registry to connect to

Here's a docker-compose.yml for you:

version: "2"
    image: jc21/registry-ui
      - 80:80
      - REGISTRY_HOST=your-registry-server.com:5000
      - REGISTRY_SSL=true
      - REGISTRY_DOMAIN=your-registry-server.com:5000
    restart: on-failure

If you are like most people and want your docker registry and your docker ui to co-exist on the same domain on the same port, please refer to the Nginx configuration used by the docker-registry-ui-proxy image as an example. Note that there are some tweaks in there that you will need to be able to push successfully.

Environment Variables

  • REGISTRY_HOST - Required: The registry hostname and optional port to connect to for API calls
  • REGISTRY_SSL - Optional: Specify true for this if the registry is accessed via HTTPS
  • REGISTRY_DOMAIN - Optional: This is the registry domain to display in the UI for example push/pull code
  • REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED - Optional: Specify true or 1 to enable deletion features, but see below first!

Deletion Support

Registry deletion support sux. It is disabled by default in this project on purpose because you need to accomplish extra steps to get it up and running, sort of.

Permit deleting on the Registry

This step is pretty simple and involves adding an environment variable to your Docker Registry Container when you start it up:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true --name my-registry registry:2

Enabling Deletions in the UI

Same as the Registry, just add the REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true environment variable to the registry-ui container. Note that true is the only acceptable value for this environment variable.

Cleaning up the Registry

When you delete an image from the registry this won't actually remove the blob layers as you might expect. For this reason you have to run this command on your docker registry host to perform garbage collection:

docker exec -it my-registry bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml

And if you wanted to make a cron job that runs every 30 mins:

0,30 * * * * /bin/docker exec -it my-registry bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml >> /dev/null 2>&1




  • Add pagination to Repositories, currently only 300 images will be fetched
  • Add support for registry authentication mechanisms

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jc21/registry-ui