csvkit in a container. This is useful if you do not want to depend on having installed dependencies to your CI node or if you are unable to install dependencies.
For full usage visit the source code and the latest release documentation.
curl -L -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wireservice/csvkit/master/examples/realdata/acs2012_5yr_population.csv | \
docker run --rm \
-i \
jdkelley/csvkit \
To use this instead of the local version of csvkit, create an alias:
alias csvkit="docker run --rm -i jdkelley/csvkit"
There may be times when you want to use a directory of files inside your csvkit container. Map in the directory as a volume:
docker run --rm \
-v <scripts-directory>:/scripts \
-it \
To map your current directory, use:
docker run --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/scripts \
-it \
This is deployed on Docker Hub and GitHub Package Registry.
docker pull jdkelley/csvkit