
By jdkelley

Updated over 5 years ago




jq in a container. This is useful if you do not want to depend on having installed dependencies to your CI node or if you are unable to install dependencies.

On how to use jq, see the manual and source code. To test your filters and expressions use jq playground.

$ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/jdkelley/dockerfiles/commits?per_page=1' | docker run --rm -i jdkelley/jq .[0].commit.verification
  "verified": false,
  "reason": "unsigned",
  "signature": null,
  "payload": null

If you want to use jq in a container on your local system but do not want to type out the long docker run command every time you want to use it, you may wish to add a bash alias like:

alias jq="docker run --rm -i jdkelley/jq"

NB: Since the -i flag is hard coded into this alias, this alias will only work with content that is piped to it. If you try to use it directly, you would need to call the container directly with -it or add another alias like:

alias jqit="docker run --rm -it jdkelley/jq"

This is deployed on Docker Hub and GitHub Package Registry.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jdkelley/jq