A containerized database for use by rfscopedb and related applications
A containerized database for use by rfscopedb and related applications
This is a simple containerized MariaDB database used to support storage and retrieval of RF waveforms collected from scope mode buffers.
Download the project and run compose from within. This will pull and run the latest pre-built image from DockerHub.
git clone https://
cd rfscopedb-container
docker compose up
Then use mariadb tools to interact with the database.
docker -exec -it rfscopedb bash
mysql -u scope_rw -p
select * from scope_waveforms.scans;
Note: default password is password.
A python package, called rfscopedb, was created for interacting with this database.
docker pull jeffersonlab/rfscopedb
No customization is available at this time. Two mariadb users are created. scope_owner has all grants on scope_waveforms database. scope_rw has read/write permissions. See 01-create-db.sql for more details.
git clone
cd rfscoped-container
docker build -t rfscopedb .
Alterantively, the command docker compose -f build.yml up
will build the image and run a conainter based on that image.
docker pull jeffersonlab/rfscopedb