
By jelastic

Updated 8 days ago

An image of the Memcached cache server maintained by Jelastic PaaS.



An image of the Memcached cache server with preconfigured resource optimization due to the load, improved memory utilization and data fragmentation protection, as well as regular updates and security patches maintained by Jelastic PaaS.

This Memcached image is specifically designed for running as an isolated container within Jelastic PaaS. By using this managed dockerized template, you get:

  • regular updates to the latest versions and security patches maintained by Jelastic team
  • automatic tuning and optimization of configurations according to the load and available resources
  • the slab memory allocation to improve utilization and protect data from fragmentation
  • full compatibility with Jelastic UI for easy management

Follow the guide to install managed container with the required stack in Jelastic PaaS.

Also, this image can be forked, changed and installed as a custom container within a platform.

Learn more about Memcached cloud hosting in Jelastic PaaS.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jelastic/memcached