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By Jenkins

Updated about 5 years ago

Tool for generating Jenkins core changelogs

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Changelog generator for Jenkins Core

Docker Pulls

The tools in this repo help with the creation of Jenkins core changelog drafts (weekly, LTS). The Jenkins changelog is maintained in the jenkins-infra/ repository, and the generated pull requests should be submitted there.


This tool can be used to generate a first draft of a Jenkins release's changelog.

Usage in CLI

cd /path/to/clone/of/jenkinsci/jenkins.git
export GITHUB_AUTH=github_username:github_token

/path/to/generate-jenkins-changelog.rb <VERSION>
/path/to/generate-jenkins-changelog.rb <COMMIT>..<COMMIT>

Usage in Docker

There is also a Dockerized version available:

  • To reuse the Jenkins source code, pass the /github/workspace volume, e.g. -v $(pwd)/test/jenkins:/github/workspace. In such case there will be also a changelog.yaml file generated in the root of the repo
  • If there is no arguments passed, the script will generate changelog since the last tag on the current branch

Generating changelog for pending changes:

export GITHUB_AUTH=github_username:github_token
docker run -e GITHUB_AUTH=${GITHUB_AUTH} -v $(pwd):/github/workspace --rm jenkins/core-changelog-generator

Generating changelog for a release:

export GITHUB_AUTH=github_username:github_token
docker run -e GITHUB_AUTH=${GITHUB_AUTH} -v $(pwd):/github/workspace --rm jenkins/core-changelog-generator 2.204


This tool can be used to generate an LTS changelog for all the backported issues (labeled in Jira) with corresponding changelog entries in the weekly changelog YAML file. Weekly changelog YAML is optional, it will be downloaded from the repository if not specified.

Usage in CLI

export JIRA_AUTH=jira_username:jira_password

/path/to/lts-backports-changelog.rb <VERSION> <PATH/TO/weekly.yml>

Usage in Docker

  • To generate an LTS backports changelog, pass the -e CHANGELOG_TYPE=lts variable
  • All options for generate-jenkins-changelog also apply here


docker run -e GITHUB_AUTH=${GITHUB_AUTH} -e JIRA_AUTH=${JIRA_AUTH} -e CHANGELOG_TYPE=lts -v $(pwd):/github/workspace --rm jenkins/core-changelog-generator 2.109.2

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jenkins/core-changelog-generator