dosbox with VNC for server implementations
This image can be used standalone, or as a base for other images.
It provides a DOSBox environment and a VNC console for it, running on port 5901.
You can install with:
docker pull jgoerzen/dosbox
And run with:
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 --name mydosbox jgoerzen/dosbox
Under /dos
, you will find dosbox.conf
(the config file), to which you
can easily append autoexec statements. Also, there are subdirectories
for drives C: through H: and Y:. This image will install FreeDOS commands
into Y:\DOS
(pulled from dosemu, as it happens) and make sure that the DOSBox
and FreeDOS commands are both on the system's PATH.
is also created and put on the PATH, though empty by default;
it is a place where you can add scripts and such that run later.
Child images may, but are not required to, follow this convention:
This image uses supervisor; please see the supervisor/ directory for examples. Adding your own processes is very simple.
can set the password for the VNC console
(maximum 8 characters, a limitation of tightvncserver). If you do not set
one, a random password will be assigned on each start of the container, and
logged in the docker logs.VNC is exposed on port 5901. You can connect to this port. You will see, by default,
an xterm (white) and a DOSBox terminal (black) running here, though
child images may alter these defaults. If you do not see a DOSBox terminal,
then the command dosboxconsole
should get one for you.
This is prepared by John Goerzen jgoerzen@complete.org and the source can be found at https://github.com/jgoerzen/docker-bbs/tree/master/dosbox
docker pull jgoerzen/dosbox