
By jgoerzen

Updated about 7 years ago

dosbox with VNC for server implementations



DOSBox for Docker Server

This image can be used standalone, or as a base for other images.

It provides a DOSBox environment and a VNC console for it, running on port 5901.

Install and run

You can install with:

docker pull jgoerzen/dosbox

And run with:

docker run -d -p 5901:5901 --name mydosbox jgoerzen/dosbox

Installed files

Under /dos, you will find dosbox.conf (the config file), to which you can easily append autoexec statements. Also, there are subdirectories for drives C: through H: and Y:. This image will install FreeDOS commands into Y:\DOS (pulled from dosemu, as it happens) and make sure that the DOSBox and FreeDOS commands are both on the system's PATH.

Y:\SCRIPTS is also created and put on the PATH, though empty by default; it is a place where you can add scripts and such that run later.

Child images may, but are not required to, follow this convention:

  • Drive C for the main application (probably a volume, since many write to their CWD)
  • Drive D for helper applications (perhaps also a volume, since many write to their CWD)
  • Drive Y for static utilities/scripts, that would not need to be a volume.

This image uses supervisor; please see the supervisor/ directory for examples. Adding your own processes is very simple.

Environment variables

  • VNCPASSWORD can set the password for the VNC console (maximum 8 characters, a limitation of tightvncserver). If you do not set one, a random password will be assigned on each start of the container, and logged in the docker logs.

VNC-based console

VNC is exposed on port 5901. You can connect to this port. You will see, by default, an xterm (white) and a DOSBox terminal (black) running here, though child images may alter these defaults. If you do not see a DOSBox terminal, then the command dosboxconsole should get one for you.


This is prepared by John Goerzen jgoerzen@complete.org and the source can be found at https://github.com/jgoerzen/docker-bbs/tree/master/dosbox

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jgoerzen/dosbox