JHipster Registry, based on Netflix Eureka and Spring Cloud Config
This is the JHipster registry service, based on Spring Cloud Netflix, Eureka and Spring Cloud Config.
Full documentation is available on the JHipster documentation for microservices.
Click this button to deploy your own instance of the registry:
There are a few limitations when deploying to Heroku.
To run the cloned repository;
./mvnw -Pdev,webapp
to just start in development or run ./mvnw
and run npm install && npm start
for hot reload of client side code../mvnw -Pprod
JHipster Registry
default integration uses a vault
server with an in-memory backend. The data shall not be persisted and shall require you to configure secrets after every restart. The in-memory configuration provides an easy way to test out the integration and later switch to the recommended server mode.
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/vault.yml up -d
. We shall use the default secrets engine backend mounted on the secrets
path. Configure secrets using either of ui
, cli
or http
and add the following secret in JSON format. Here jhipster-registry
refers to the application name and dev
refers to the development profile. Do follow the same convention to configure secrets of other applications.{
"spring.security.user.password": "admin123!@#"
JHipster Registry
server in development mode using the following command (skipping execution of test cases):./mvnw -DskipTests
in a browser. You shall require entering a new password as provided in the above vault configuration.JHipster Registry
also provides configuration to use the native file system as the persistent backend.
command: server
- ./vault-config/config:/vault/config
- ./vault-config/logs:/vault/logs
- ./vault-config/data:/vault/file
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/vault.yml up -d
server ui
to initialize master key shares. In this guide, we shall enter 1
as the number of key shares and 1
as the key threshold value. Do refer to vault documentation for recommended configuration. Note down the initial root token
and the key
and keep it at a safe place. You shall require the key
to unseal the vault server after a restart.kv
and use secrets
as the mount path.jhipster-registry/dev
and add the following secrets in JSON format. Here jhipster-registry
refers to the application name and dev
refers to the development profile. Do follow the same convention to configure secrets of other applications.{
"spring.security.user.password": "admin123!@#"
authentication mechanism to retrieve secrets from the vault
server. Update bootstrap.yml
to specify root token
in place of default dev token.vault:
authentication: token
token: jhipster-registry # In server mode, provide a token having read access on secrets
JHipster Registry
server in development mode using the following command (skipping execution of test cases):./mvnw -DskipTests
docker pull jhipster/jhipster-registry