
By jippi

Updated over 8 years ago

This is dockerized version of elasticsearch curator, tool to manage time-based indices.



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Curator in docker

This is dockerized version of elasticsearch curator, tool to manage time-based indices.

Why this image

This image keeps up to date with curator releases and has tags in the docker registry. It is also based on minimal alpine image, resulting in a just 50mb image.


  • make help output instructions on how to use the Makefile
  • make build to build a specific version of curator (you will be prompted for which version from pip you want to use)
  • make build-all will build all git-tagged versions of curator one by one (this will not modify the latest tag)
  • make push will push a specific local docker tag of curator to dockerhub
  • make push-all will push all local builds of curator to dockerhub
  • make tag-latest will build and tag the latest curator version as such


Both can be overwritten by ENV keys

  • DOCKERHUB_USER defaults to jippi
  • DOCKERHUB_REPO defaults to elastic-curator

Source Code

Please see https://github.com/jippi/docker-elastic-curator for source code


Based on the idea of bobrik/curator

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jippi/elastic-curator