
By jitesoft

Updated over 5 years ago

Jetbrains YouTrack (zip version) running on alpine linux.

Content Management System


YouTrack docker image.

Docker PullsBack project

Docker image for jetbrains YouTrack using the zip version (which in turn enables external hub connection). The image is based on Alpine linux using OpenJDK.

Images can be found at GitLab and GitHub

Observe: since version 2019.1.51932 the image used as base is the jitesoft/openjdk image, hence the openjdk version has been updated to use openjdk 13-eap. If any issues arise from this, please report this as an issue on the gitlab issue tracker for the image.

Directories worth persisting

The following directories are worth persisting if you wish to store the data even when restarting the container:

/youtrack/data - The data directory that is used by YouTrack.
/youtrack/backups - Backup directory which backups are stored in.
/youtrack/logs - Logfiles.
/youtrack/conf - Config directory.

The directories are set as VOLUMES in the docker file.

Environment variables

Port 8080 is the default port used by YouTrack, if you wish to use another port for some reason, change the env variable PORT to desired value and expose it.

The PUBLIC_URI variable should be set to the public URL of the installation (including port and schema). Defaults to

Initial startup

When starting YouTrack for the first time, the installation will run automatically, you can go to to see the progress. When all is ready, the default administration account have the credentials admin/admin, I recommend that you change this as soon as possible!

External or Internal hub?

After initial startup your YouTrack will use an internal Jetbrains Hub, to migrate to an external hub installation you have to acquire the AWC token from /youtrack/data/internal/services/adminService/awcToken.properties, easiest way is to cat it from the container:

docker exec <your-container> cat /youtrack/data/internal/services/adminService/awcToken.properties

Then enter the Bundle admin at and enter the token in the field and follow instructions.


Tags are defined by the following standard:

latest latest build.
year latest of the year builds (i.e., 2019).
year.x latest of the year-major builds (i.e., 2019.5).
year.x.x latest of the year.major.minor builds (i.e., 2019.5.1)


Files in this repository are released under the MIT license.
Read the YouTrack license here.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jitesoft/youtrack

This image was archived about 2 months ago