Collection of Alpine based containers
A Docker container with Raku using the minimalist Linux distro Alpine, essentially the Raku baseline with zef.
It includes
for module installationraku
is defined from version/tag 2020.07, and the Raku process is
run as a non-privileged user. zef
is installed for that non-privileged user,
it will not work if you use root
New images should be automatically available at Docker hub.
This comes in three flavors:
. Main difference is that the second
uses 1001
as UID for the raku
user, and then theoretically can be used as a
GitHub action runner.multiarch
a multiarch version that includesarv/v7
and ppc64le
docker run -it jjmerelo/alpine-raku
to get into the raku interpreter REPL. Can also be used as a "binary" this way
docker run -t jjmerelo/alpine-raku -e "say 'hello þor'"
or you can get into the container by running
docker run -it --entrypoint sh -l -c jjmerelo/alpine-raku
You can also run external scripts via the mounted /app
volume. After changing to this directory
docker run -v `pwd`:/app -it jjmerelo/alpine-raku /app/heloþor.p6
This heloþor.p6
is the example provided in this repo, which you should have cloned or downloaded in the usual way. Check out the use of þ. Cool, isn't it? You can use any other directory instead of /app
For instance, we can create a directory this way
docker run --rm -t jjmerelo/alpine-raku -e "mkdir 'raku-app'; say 'raku-app'.IO.absolute;"
This will return
And then
docker run -t -v `pwd`:/home/raku/raku-app jjmerelo/alpine-raku /home/raku/raku-app/pell.p6 6
which would return the first 6 Pell numbers. Or
docker run -t -v `pwd`:/home/raku/raku-app jjmerelo/alpine-raku /home/raku/raku-app/horadam.p6 10
which will return the 10 first elements of the Horadam sequence for p=0, q=1, r= 0.25, s=0.75.
Since zef
is included in the image, you can use it to install new
modules. You can do it by getting into the container and running the
docker run -it --entrypoint="/bin/sh" jjmerelo/alpine-raku
and then
$ zef install Math::Constants
Or directly in a single command
docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh jjmerelo/alpine-raku -c "zef install Math::Sequences"
This overrides the default entrypoint and, instead, runs zef
as a
shell command, installing the module within the container.
Check out the Madhava-Leibniz series that computes the digits of Pi or the binomial coefficients. Run them directly thus:
docker run -t --rm jjmerelo/alpine-raku -e "say π - 4 * ([+] <1 -1> <</<< (1,3,5,7,9...10000)) "
Contributions, suggestions and patches are welcome. Please go to the GitHub repo.
Previous versions of raku are available also as image tags. For instance, you can do
docker run -t jjmerelo/alpine-raku:2019.07 -e "'hello þor'.say"
to download and/or run the 2019.07 version of this container.
Additionally, a nightly
tag contains a fresh image, built every night from Rakudo HEAD
The raku-test
can be used directly for tests, no need to build your own based on
this one.
docker pull jjmerelo/alpine-raku