Docker container for testing new modules added to the ecosystem
Test container, based on Alpine, with OpenSSL and the rest of the modules needed for testing Perl 6 ecosystem modules, basically Test::Meta. It probably does not make a lot of sense anywhere else, except if you want to also test correctness of the META6.json files in Perl 6 distributions. Check it out here
- minimal
- docker
- docker pull jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem
- docker images # This is just for the show
script: docker run -e TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE="HEAD^1...HEAD" -t -v $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/test jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem
docker images
is not needed, but it will show you the version it is
going to use for building.
docker pull jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem