
By jjmerelo

Updated about 5 years ago

Docker container for testing new modules added to the ecosystem



Docker container for testing META6.json in the ecosystem

Test container, based on Alpine, with OpenSSL and the rest of the modules needed for testing Perl 6 ecosystem modules, basically Test::Meta. It probably does not make a lot of sense anywhere else, except if you want to also test correctness of the META6.json files in Perl 6 distributions. Check it out here

Use in Travis

  - minimal

  - docker

  - docker pull jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem
  - docker images # This is just for the show

script: docker run -e TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE="HEAD^1...HEAD" -t -v  $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/test jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem

docker images is not needed, but it will show you the version it is going to use for building.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jjmerelo/perl6-test-ecosystem