
By jjmerelo

Updated 3 days ago

Tests for improving Raku containers



Raku base image

Docker Repository on QuayDeploy weekly to Docker
hubTest-create and publish a Docker imageCreate and push to GHCR a multiarch image

This is a bare-bones, lightweight, image that contains the bare raku executables, without any frills. It's been created mainly for lightweightness, and as a base for a family of images (hosted elsewhere).

This is intended mainly as a base image, not so much for direct use. Could be useful for CI, though as long as you add the additional libraries and utilities that you need.

It includes a non-privileged user, also called raku, with its home directory. Binaries for raku are installed in privileged directories, however.


Available from major registries:


Images for all Raku release from the beginning of 2020 have been released.

They come in two flavors

  • Regular, such as 2021.10.

  • gha, essentially the same, except the raku user has 1001 as UID. This is made essentially to make them work as runners in GitHub actions. This one is also available in GHCR as raku-gha.

Additionally, the last Rakudo release will be aliased to the latest tag.

Source, issues

Available at this GitHub repo. Raise your issues, or offer your help there.

See also

This image is the base for a series of other images, also in two flavors, regular and GitHub Actions. Start with alpine-raku and check there for their published images.


Released under the GPL version 3.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jjmerelo/raku