
By jjmerelo

Updated about 5 years ago

A docker container for fast testing of Perl 6 modules.



A docker container to test Perl 6 applications Build Status

jjmerelo/test-perl6 is a a Docker container with Perl 6 for testing and continuous integration, mainly for use in Travis and other CI environments. This image should be automatically built and available at the Docker Hub. It depends on the Alpine Perl 6 image, which is a Perl 6 interpreter based on the lightweight Alpine distribution.

This Dockerfile is hosted in GitHub. It will be automatically rebuilt every time a new version of the alpine-perl6 image is pushed. Please raise an issue if there's any problem with it.

Local use

After the usual docker pull jjmerelo/test-perl6 type

docker run -t -v /path/to/module-dir:/test jjmerelo/test-perl6 

The local module-dir gets mapped to the container's /test directory, and tests are run using the usual prove or whatever method is available to zef after installing dependencies.

You can also do:

docker run -t -v  $PWD:/test jjmerelo/test-perl6

(Use sudo in front of docker if your local setup needs it).

Use in Travis

Check out this .travis.yml as an example. A generic one should go more or less like this

  - minimal

  - docker

  - docker pull jjmerelo/test-perl6
  - docker images

script: docker run -t -v  $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/test jjmerelo/test-perl6

docker images is not needed, but it will show you the version it is going to use for building.

The base image of this container is Alpine Linux, so any library the module needs to install will have to be installed in this distro.

In general, the container will install all dependencies for you, but you might want to do it separately to check for failing dependencies, for instance.

If yo need to install non-Perl dependencies, remember that you are going to be using Alpine Linux underneath in this container. For instance, many modules use openssl-dev. In that case, you'll have to use this as the testing script:

script:  docker run -t  --entrypoint="/bin/sh" \
  -v  $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/test \jjmerelo/test-perl6\
  -c "apk add --update --no-cache openssl-dev make \
  build-base && zef install --deps-only . && zef test ."

to the script: section of Travis.

In other, more complicated cases, you might need to build from source, but at any rate you can try and look for the name of the package in Alpine. Pretty much everything is in there. Use the package search site to look for the name of the package that is included in your dependencies.

Underneath, zef uses prove6. You can use it directly if you don't have a META6.json file.

script:  docker run -t  --entrypoint="/bin/sh" \
  -v  $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/test \jjmerelo/test-perl6\
  -c "prove6 --lib"

(if there are no dependencies involved)

See also

The perl6-test-openssl container, which already includes OpenSSL, one of the most depended-upon modules in the Perl 6 ecosystem. Use that one if it's in one of your dependencies.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jjmerelo/test-perl6