Inspired by stefanprodan/dockerd-exporter with added support for ARM / ARM64 multiarchitecture images. Runs the socat
program in a base alpine image. Can be used to relay arbitrary socket data or specifically export experimental Docker daemon metrics to Prometheus.
Enable experimental metrics for docker engine for address
Check if the docker_gwbridge ip address is
docker run --rm --net host alpine ip -o addr show docker_gwbridge
Create an overlay network:
docker network create \
--driver overlay \
Create dockerd-exporter global service (replace with your docker_gwbridge address):
docker service create -d \
--mode global \
--name dockerd-exporter \
--network netmon \
-e IN="" \
-e OUT="9323" \
jmb12686/socat:latest \
-d -d TCP-L:9323,fork TCP:
Configure Prometheus to scrape the dockerd-exporter instances:
- job_name: 'dockerd-exporter'
- names:
- 'tasks.dockerd-exporter'
type: 'A'
port: 9323
Run Prometheus on the same overlay network as dockerd-exporter.
This image is designed to support multiarchitecture images for usage on both ARM and amd64 hosts. Setup local environment to support Docker experimental feature for building multi architecture images, buildx. Follow instructions here
Clone repo:
$ git clone
$ cd raspi-docker-stacks/prometheus/dockerd-exporter
Build multiarch image:
$ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t jmb12686/socat:latest --push .
docker pull jmb12686/socat