
By joinsunsoft

Updated over 2 years ago



"See this docker container? I wish I could run another one just like it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to type all those command-line switches manually!"

This is what joinsunsoft/runcommand does. You give it a docker container, it outputs the command line necessary to run another one just like it, along with all those options (ports, links, volumes, ...). It's a real time saver for those that normally deploy their docker containers via some CM tool like Ansible/Chef and then find themselves needing to manually re-run some container.


runcommand <container-name>|<container-id> <docker-url>

This prints out what you need to run to get a similar container. You can do $(runcommand container-name) to simply execute its output in one step.

 $ runcommand etcd01 

Container[etcd01] run command(vendor by joinsunsoft)
docker run --name=etcd01 --hostname=96dbf62644ed  --env=ETCD_ENABLE_V2=true --env=ALLOW_NONE_AUTHENTICATION=yes 
--env=HOME=/ --env=OS_ARCH=amd64 --env=OS_FLAVOUR=debian-10 --env=OS_NAME=linux --env=BITNAMI_APP_NAME=etcd -
-env=BITNAMI_IMAGE_VERSION=3.5.1-debian-10-r76 --env=ETCDCTL_API=3  
--volume=/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/volumes/etcddata/_data:/bitnami/etcd/data  -p 32379:2379/tcp
 -p 32380:2380/tcp --workdir=/opt/bitnami/etcd -p 28080:80 --restart=always 
--runtime=runc  bitnami/etcd /opt/bitnami/scripts/etcd/

Run without installing

docker container run --rm --name runcommand -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock joinsunsoft/command etcd01

Docker Pull Command

docker pull joinsunsoft/command