
By jojomi

Updated almost 6 years ago

Docker conainter for LaTeX package genealogytree




Container for building genealogy trees in LaTeX (using TeXlive and the wonderful genealogytree package).

Building The Image

docker build -t jojomi/latex-genealogytree .

Compiling a genealogy tree

Usually you would set your working directory and then call little scripts in bin directory:

cd example

This will compile document.tex. You can add parameters and change the latex binary (support for pdflatex, xelatex, and lualatex is included):

../bin/lualatex document.tex

If you want those binaries to be globally available, you'll have to put them in your PATH. Check its current value like this:

echo $PATH

Now pick one of the directories listed there and link the scripts there:

for f in bin/*; do sudo ln -s "$(pwd)/$f" /usr/local/bin/$(basename $f); done

For more technical details have a look at the base image used.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jojomi/latex-genealogytree