-o value Additional system-specific mount options. Be careful!
--cache value Directory to use for data cache. Requires catfs and `-o allow_other'. Can also pass in other catfs options (ex: --cache "--free:10%:$HOME/cache") (default: off)
--dir-mode value Permission bits for directories. (default: 0755) (default: 493)
--file-mode value Permission bits for files. (default: 0644) (default: 420)
--uid value UID owner of all inodes. (default: 0)
--gid value GID owner of all inodes. (default: 0)
--endpoint value The non-AWS endpoint to connect to. Possible values:
--profile value Use a named profile from $HOME/.aws/credentials instead of "default"
--use-content-type Set Content-Type according to file extension and /etc/mime.types (default: off)
--subdomain Enable subdomain mode of S3
--cheap Reduce S3 operation costs at the expense of some performance (default: off)
--no-implicit-dir Assume all directory objects ("dir/") exist (default: off)
--stat-cache-ttl value How long to cache StatObject results and inode attributes. (default: 1m0s)
--type-cache-ttl value How long to cache name -> file/dir mappings in directory inodes. (default: 1m0s)
--http-timeout value Set the timeout on HTTP requests to S3 (default: 30s)
--region value The region to connect to. Usually this is auto-detected. Possible values: us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, sa-east-1, cn-north-1 (default: "us-east-1")
--requester-pays Whether to allow access to requester-pays buckets (default: off)
--storage-class value The type of storage to use when writing objects. Possible values: REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, STANDARD, STANDARD_IA. (default: "STANDARD")
--sse Enable basic server-side encryption at rest (SSE-S3) in S3 for all writes (default: off)
--sse-kms key-id Enable KMS encryption (SSE-KMS) for all writes using this particular KMS key-id. Leave blank to Use the account's CMK - customer master key (default: off)
--sse-c value Enable server-side encryption using this base64-encoded key (default: off)
--acl value The canned ACL to apply to the object. Possible values: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control (default: off)
--help, -h Print this help text and exit successfully.