
By jonasbn

Updated 27 days ago

Application to help with yak shaving for Git repositories



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The yak command line utility is still WIP and to be regarded as alpha software, most features are working but it not ready for first official release


App::Yak - Application to help with yak shaving for Git repositories etc.


my $yak->new();
my $rv = $yak->process();


The yakshaver can scan a directory for files, which can be classified as yaks in need of shaving. Meaning files which are maintained else where are often copy-pasted.

The file names can be configured in a central configuration file, like this:


    "": "15701b6b27e1d49ca6636f2695cfc49b6622c7152f74b14becc53850811db54f"

If a file is encountered, which matches the name, the checksum of the encountered file is calculated and is compared to the checksum listed in the central file.

  • If they match, everything is okay
  • If they differ, the difference has to be addressed

The recommendation is to have the checksum in the central file, reflect the authoritative revision and hence you can overwrite the file in the directory you where inspecting.

Alternatively to specifying a checksum, you can specify a file URL:


The file pointed to has to be available in: $HOME/.config/yak/files

Then yak can calculate the checksum dynamically, based on the reference file and can based on invocation copy the reference file to the location of the evaluated file in the case where the two differ.


This JSON file should be created as $HOME/.config/yak/checksums.json.

    "": "",
    "": "file://",
    "": "91dabee84afd46f93894d1a266a773f3d46c2c0b1ae4813f0c7dba34df1dc260",


yak supports the ability to ignore:

  • Files
  • Directories
  • Filename patterns

This is accomplished using an implementation based on .gitignore. To not intervene and to let git and yak work in harmony. The files used by yak are named .yakignore.

The mean that you can:

  • Specify patterns of files and directories in your configuration file, see "CONFIGURATION". This configuration will be overwritten if the next options are used.
  • You can add an .yakignore in the root of your repository and it will work for all files and directories in the file structure beneath it. Do note that the presence of this files, ignores and configuration in regard to using this feature. Meaning that disabling yak ignores for a single repository can be accomplished by placing an empty .yakignore file in the root of the repository.
  • a child.yakignore can be placed in a subsequent directory, working on all files and directories beneath it, do note that directories specified to be ignored in the parent.yakignore are ignored and are not parsed and used.



The above example specified the local directory created by Perl's Carton. Another good candidate could be the .git folder.

Since yak is processing a directory structure recursively, specifying directories should speed up the processing. Specifying single files by name can be used to skip a file specified in the data source file temporarily.


yak takes the following command line arguments:

  • --verbose, enables more verbose output, can be configured see "CONFIGURATION"
  • --silent, disables output and you have to rely on the return value see "RETURN VALUES" below.
  • --debug, enables debug output. can be configured see "CONFIGURATION"
  • --nodebug, disables debug output even if configured or provided as --debug, see above
  • --config file, reads alternative configuration file instead of default, see "CONFIGURATION"
  • --noconfig, disables reading of the configuration file, (see "CONFIGURATION") and you have to rely on the command line arguments
  • --nochecksums, disables reading of the global checksums file, see "DATA SOURCE"
  • --checksums file, reads alternative checksums file instead of default, see "DATA SOURCE"
  • --color, enables colorized output, enabled by default or can be configured, see "CONFIGURATION"
  • --nocolor, disables colorized output, even if configured or provided as --color, see above
  • --emoji, enables emojis in output, enabled by default or can be configured, see "CONFIGURATION"
  • --noemoji, disables emojis in output, even if configured or provided as --emoji, see above
  • --about, emits output on configuration and invocation and terminates with success
  • --help, emits help message listing all available options
  • --version, emits version message listing version of the software

Command line arguments override the configuration.


  • 0, success, everything is okay
  • 1, failure, a located filed did not match the designated checksum

Note that --about return as success with out processing any data apart from reading configuration and parsing command line arguments.


yak supports the following environment variables:

  • $CLICOLOR}, if set to false (0) it attempts to disable colorized output, if set to true (1), it attempts to enable colorized output
  • $NO_COLOR, if set it attempts to disable colorized output, do note that value does not matter
  • $CLICOLOR_FORCE, if set to true (1) it attempts to enable colorized output, if set to false (0), it attempts to disable colorized output
  • $YAK_SUCCESS_COLOR, setting color for success messages, used when colors are enabled
  • $YAK_FAILURE_COLOR, setting color for failure messages, used when colors are enabled
  • $YAK_SKIP_COLOR, setting color for skip messages, used when colors are enabled
  • $YAK_IGNORE_COLOR, setting color for ignore messages, used when colors are enabled

CLI Color Control

The order of precedence is as follows for CLI color control:

    1. Environment (this section), $CLICOLOR_FORCE
    1. Command line arguments, --nocolor and --color in that order, see "INVOCATION"
    1. Environment (this section), $NO_COLOR
    1. Environment (this section), $CLICOLOR
    1. Configuration, see "CONFIGURATION", color configuration option

This aims to follow the proposed standard described in this article.

Color Control

The order of precedence is as follows for color control:

    1. Command line arguments, --nocolor and --color in that order, see "INVOCATION"
    1. Environment (this section), $YAK_*_COLOR
    1. Configuration, see "CONFIGURATION", colors configuration options: success_color, failure_color, skip_color and ignore_color

Do note this works for the single environment variables, the command line arguments work generally.



yak can be configured using the following parameters:

  • verbose, enabling (true) or disabling (false) more verbose output
  • debug, enabling (true) or disabling (false) debug output
  • color, enabling (true) or disabling (false) colorized output
  • emoji, enabling (true) or disabling (false) colorized output
  • success_emoji, setting emoji for success messages, used when emojis are enabled
  • failure_emoji, setting emoji for failure messages, used when emojis are enabled
  • skip_emoji, setting emoji for skip messages, used when emojis are enabled
  • ignore_emoji, setting emoji for ignore messages, used when emojis are enabled
  • success_color, setting color for success messages, used when colors are enabled
  • failure_color, setting color for failure messages, used when colors are enabled
  • skip_color, setting color for skip messages, used when colors are enabled
  • ignore_color, setting color for ignore messages, used when colors are enabled
  • yakignores, specify a list of file directory names and patterns to be ignored

Configuration can be overridden by command line arguments, see "INVOCATION".


This YAML file should be created as $HOME/.config/yak/config.yml.

verbose: false
debug: false
skip_emoji: ✖️
failure_emoji: ❌
success_emoji: ✅
failure_color: yellow
- .git
- local


There are 3 ways to provide checksum data to yak.

  • The default using: $HOME/.config/yak/checksums.json, which can then be edited to match your needs
  • Using a project or repository specific: .yaksums.json located in the root of your project or repository directory
  • Using an JSON file adhering to formatting described in this chapter, which can be located elsewhere on your file system

The default data source is described in the "DESCRIPTION". As a an alternative a per project file can be specified in the designated repository/directory.

The file should be named: .yaksums.json

The contents follow the same format as the $HOME/.config/yak/checksums.json.

This JSON file should look as follows:

    "<filename>": "<sha256 checksum for the file specifed by the filename>"

An example:

    "": "",
    "": "file://",
    "": "91dabee84afd46f93894d1a266a773f3d46c2c0b1ae4813f0c7dba34df1dc260",

If you want to have Yak help you checking for the presence of a file, specify the booleantrue instead of a checksum.

    "": true,
    "": true

Or you can issue an error if a file is present, which should not be there, again using a boolean, but set to false.

    ".vstags": false


Terminal colors are awesome, but also not as easy to work with. yak supports quite a few and relies on the implementation made available by Term::ANSIColor, more options and more information is available, so please consult the Term::ANSIColor documentation for more details.

  • black
  • red, default for failure
  • green, default for success
  • yellow
  • blue, default for skip and ignore
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • bright_black
  • bright_red
  • bright_green
  • bright_yellow
  • bright_blue
  • bright_magenta
  • bright_cyan
  • bright_white
  • faint

The default colors should be available in most terminals. The color faint is not supported by all terminals, but looks truly awesome, please consult the Term::ANSIColor documentation for compatibility details.


An experimental Docker implementation has been included with the repository.

It can be built using the following statement:

$ docker build -t jonasbn/yak .

And then run as follows:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/tmp jonasbn/yak

It will consume all the command line arguments (see "INVOCATION").

The Docker image has the following command line arguments embedded:

  • --noconfig
  • --nochecksums

Since the ability to read files outside the Docker container is limited to mounted directories.

The mount point is expected to be a directory containing the files to be checked against the checksum data structure. Please see the "LIMITATIONS" for details.

If you want to utilize the supported environment variables (see "ENVIRONMENT") you have to do something along the lines of:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/tmp --env CLICOLOR=$CLICOLOR jonasbn/yak





















yak is specified to a minimum requirement of Perl 5.10, based on an analysis made using Perl::MinimumVersion, implementation syntax requires Perl 5.8.0, so yakcould be made to work for 5.8.0.


  • yak is specified to a minimum requirement of Perl 5.10, based on an analysis made using Perl::MinimumVersion, implementation syntax requires Perl 5.8.0, so yakcould be made to work for 5.8.0.
  • Running under Docker is limited to using only checksums specified in a local <.yaksums.json> and configuration has to be specified using command line arguments not a file
  • The use of a local: .yaksums.json is limited to checksums and cannot calculate based on files, since files are located in an unmounted directory
  • The use of YAML implementation is based on YAML::Tiny and is therefor limited to this more simple implementation, which was however deemed sufficient for Yak.
  • yak does currently not support symbolic links when doing file system traversal. The implementation is based on File::Find and support for symbolic links could be enabled, but has not been regarded as necessary for now.
  • The parsing of .yakignore files is based on Text::Gitignore and is limited to what this implementation supports, no known issues at this time.


If you experience any issues with yak report these via GitHub. Please read the issue reporting template.


If you want to contribute to yak please read the Contribution guidelines and follow the pull request guidelines.


The GitHub repository of perl-app-yak was renamed from yak. This broke the continuous integration setup with Travis CI. Therefore this has been disabled for now and instead an experimental CI based on GitHub Actions is used.


Much of what I do is yak shaving. For you who are not familiar with the term:

"[MIT AI Lab, after 2000: orig. probably from a Ren & Stimpy episode.]
Any seemingly pointless activity which is actually necessary to solve
a problem which solves a problem which, several levels of recursion
later, solves the real problem you're working on."

REF: The Jargon File

Used commonly for repetitive and boring work, required to reach a certain goal.



yak is (C) by Jonas Brømsø, (jonasbn) 2018-2022

Image used on the yakwebsite is under copyright by Shane Aldendorff.


yak is released under the MIT License


Docker Pull Command

docker pull jonasbn/yak