Minecraft - Feed The Beast StoneBlock 3 modpack made by Feed The Beast
Feed The Beast StoneBlock 3 modpack made by Feed The Beast at
Modpack for Minecraft 1.18.2.
In a world surrounded by stone, build yourself a subterranean kingdom that really rocks! Use magic and technology to forge your realm to your designs.
NOTE: In compliance with Mojang "End User License Agreement", you will need to agree to the EULA in order to run your own Minecraft server. By using this container you acknowledge the EULA! If you do not agree, then you are not permitted to use this container!
The worldname must be the default "world". Settings will reset when upgrading. Access the console to op and whitelist.
Running ftb-stoneblock-3 data container:
docker run --name [name of your data container] jonasbonno/ftb-stoneblock-3 echo 'Data-only container'
Running ftb-stoneblock-3 server:
docker run --tty=true --interactive=true --detach=true --name [name of your container] --volumes-from [name of your data container] --publish=[port on your host]:25565 jonasbonno/ftb-stoneblock-3
When upgrading sometime items have been remove and therefor you have to confirm removal.
To do so run docker attach [name of your container]
and type /fml confirm
when prompted to confirm or cancel.
Exit with CTRL+P CTRL+Q.
To access the console:
docker attach [name of container]
Run your commands
To exit: CTRL+P CTRL+Q
Check for OS updates: docker exec -u 0 -it [name of your container] /usr/bin/apt update
Install OS updates: docker exec -u 0 -it [name of your container] /usr/bin/apt full-upgrade -y
Download file: docker cp [name of your container]:/minecraft/options.txt .
Upload file: docker cp options.txt [name of your container]:/minecraft/options.txt
Say Hi!: echo "say Hi!" | socat EXEC:"docker attach [name of your container]",pty STDIN
Say CPU and RAM usage: echo "say $(docker stats [name of your container] --no-stream --format "table CPU: {{.CPUPerc}} RAM: {{.MemPerc}}" | sed -n -e 2p)" | socat EXEC:"docker attach [name of your container]",pty STDIN
The first time the server starts it creates the file with default settings and spawns "world". Not recommended to change these settings by hand.
docker pull jonasbonno/ftb-stoneblock-3