
By jonlabelle

Updated 2 days ago

A Docker image with various network tools pre-installed.

Developer Tools


Docker Network Tools

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A Docker image with various network tools pre-installed.


To launch a Bash session in your terminal:

docker run --rm -it jonlabelle/network-tools

To launch a Bash session in your terminal on arm64:

docker run --rm -it --platform linux/arm64 jonlabelle/network-tools

To run a command directly and exit when finished (nmap in this case):

docker run --rm -it jonlabelle/network-tools nmap -v

NOTE: To pull from GitHub Container Registry, instead of Docker Hub, replace jonlabelle/network-tools with

Included Tools

nloadConsole network traffic and bandwidth monitor.examples
iperfA tool to measure IP bandwidth using UDP or TCP.examples
speedtest-cliCLI for testing bandwidth using
arpanameTranslate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names.-
ddns-confgenDDNS key generation tool.-
delvDNS lookup and validation utility.-
digDNS lookup utility.-
dnsdomainnameShow the system's DNS domain name.-
dnstap-readPrint dnstap data in human-readable form.-
domainnameShow or set the system's NIS/YP domain name.-
drillDNS(SEC) query tool ala dig.examples
hostDNS lookup utility.-
hostnameShow or set the system's host name.-
libidnEncode/decode library for internationalized domain names.examples
mdigDNS pipelined lookup utility.-
named-checkzoneZone file validity checking or converting tool.-
named-compilezoneZone file validity checking or converting tool.-
named-journalprintPrint zone journal in human-readable form.-
named-rrcheckerSyntax checker for individual DNS resource records.-
nisdomainnameShow or set system's NIS/YP domain name.-
nslookupQuery Internet name servers interactively.-
nsupdateDynamic DNS update utility.-
rndc-confgenRNDC key generation tool.-
tsig-keygenDDNS key generation tool.-
ypdomainnameShow or set the system's NIS/YP domain name.-
abApache HTTP server benchmarking tool.examples
curlTool for transferring data with URLs.examples
grpcurlCommand-line tool for interacting with gRPC serversexamples
jqA lightweight and flexible command line JSON processor.examples
oath-toolkit-oathtoolGenerate and validate one-time page
requestsSimple HTTP library for
wgetA network utility to retrieve files from the web.examples
IP Routing
bridgeShow / manipulate bridge addresses and devices.-
ctstatUnified linux network statistics.-
genlGeneric netlink utility frontend.-
ifcfgSimplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management.-
ifstatHandy utility to read network interface statistics.-
lnstatUnified linux network statistics.-
nstatNetwork statistics tools.-
routeShow / manipulate the IP routing table.-
routefFlush network routes.-
routelList routes with pretty output format.-
rtacctMonitor kernel SNMP counters and network interface statistics.-
rtmonListens to and monitors RTnetlink.-
rtprReplace backslashes with newlines.-
rtstatUnified linux network statistics.-
IP and MAC address
ifconfigConfigure a network interface.examples
ipcalcNetwork IP page
ipmaddrAdds, deletes, and displays multicast addresses.-
macchangerView and manipulate the MAC address of network page
nameifName network interfaces based on MAC addresses.-
nftablesNetfilter tables userspace toolsman page
plipconfigFine tune PLIP device parameters.-
rarpManipulate the system RARP table.-
slattachAttach a network interface to a serial line.-
Packet analysis
fpingSearch for network packets on an interface.examples
hping3A ping-like TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.examples
ngrepSearch for network packets on an interface.examples
tcpdumpDump and analyze traffic on a network.examples
tsharkNetwork protocol analyzer (console version).man page
Scanning and discovery
arp-scanAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) packet scanner.examples
arpManipulate the system ARP cache.-
arpingSend ARP REQUEST to a neighbor host.-
clockdiffMeasure clock difference between hosts.-
gpingPing, but with a graph.usage
masscanInternet-scale port scanner.examples
netstatDisplays network-related information.examples
ninfodRespond to IPv6 Node Information Queries.-
nmapNetwork Security Scanner.examples
npingNetwork packet generation tool/ping utility.examples
ping6Send IP6 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.-
pingSend IP4 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.-
rarpdReverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) daemon.-
rdiscNetwork router discovery daemon.-
Transmission and communication
iptunnelCreates, deletes, and displays configured tunnels.-
kcatNon-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer.examples
netcatThe TCP/IP swiss army knife (OpenBSD variant).examples
opensslToolkit for Transport Layer Security (TLS).examples
socatMultipurpose relay for binary protocols.examples
sshOpenBSD's SSH client.examples
tftpdIPv4 Trivial File Transfer Protocol client.-
mtrFull screen ncurses traceroute tool.examples
tcptracerouteDisplay route path using TCP probes.examples
tracepath6Traces path to a IP6 network host discovering MTU along this path.-
tracepathTraces path to a IP4 network host discovering MTU along this path.-
traceroute6Print the route packets trace to IP6 network host.-



MIT License

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jonlabelle/network-tools