
By joseluisq

Updated 23 days ago

A simple and fast package manager for the Fish shell written in Rust.

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A simple and fast package manager for the Fish shell written in Rust. 🐠

This is an WIP Git-based "package manager" for Fish shell which is under active development.

Note: Some features are missing right now but it covers the most of functionalities needed to be usable. However feel free to contribute. See TODO list.


  • Rely only on Git binary and its well known features (clone, fetch, checkout, pull, tag, etc).
  • No registries. Git repositories instead.
  • Just uses the format: username/package_name@(tag_name|branch_name).
  • Install, update or remove packages from local repositories or remote ones.
  • Tiny but ultra fast static binary powered by Rust.
  • Package file support (paket.toml) to describe a package and copy optional non .fish files.
  • Trigger Fish shell events when a package is installed, updated or uninstalled.
  • It runs only on top of a Fish shell session (Fish parent process).
  • First class Docker support.



~> paket --help
paket 0.1.0-beta.4
A simple package manager for the Fish shell 📦

    paket [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    add     Add a new package from a local or remote repository
    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    rm      Remove an existing package
    up      Update an existing package

Remote packages

~> paket add joseluisq/gitnow@2.4.0
~> paket up joseluisq/gitnow@2.5.1
~> paket rm joseluisq/gitnow

Local packages

~> paket add ~/some-dir/my-pckage-dir
~> paket up ~/some-dir/my-pckage-dir
~> paket rm ~/some-dir/my-pckage-dir

Paket file

Paket supports a paket.toml file in order to describe a package and copy optional non .fish files. Here a sample file of GitNow Fish package.

name = "gitnow"
version = "2.5.1"
authors = ["Jose Quintana <>"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
description = "Speed up your Git workflow. 🐠"
repository = ""
keywords = [

# Copy extra non Fish files (optional)
include = [

# Paket events which can trigger Fish shell events (optional)
# Use the format `[package_name]_[event_name]` without the brackets and spaces (underscores instead).
# Also make sure that every value match with your package's Fish shell event (--on-event).
after-install = "gitnow_install"
after-update = "gitnow_update"
before-uninstall = "gitnow_uninstall"


Fish shell events

Paket has few events which can be used to trigger Fish shell events defined in your package.

  • after-install: After a package is installed.
  • after-update: After a package is updated.
  • before-uninstall: Before a package is uninstalled.
Events definition and format

Appending a -e or --on-event flag to your function(s) tells Fish to run it when the specified named event is emitted.

Use the format [package_name]_[event_name] without the brackets and spaces (underscores instead). Also make sure that every value match with your package's Fish shell event (--on-event).

Package example

Define a paket.toml file for your package:

name = "mypackage"
version = "0.0.0"
# ...

# Events (optional)
after-install = "mypackage_install"
before-uninstall = "mypackage_uninstall"

Optionally you can sign your corresponding functions with the --on-event (-e) value defined above.

# It will be immediately run after the package is installed
function __my_package_install -e mypackage_install
    echo "Installing my package..."

# It will be immediately run before the package is uninstalled
function __my_package_uninstall -e mypackage_uninstall
    echo "Uninstalling my package..."

Find out an example on GitNow repository.


  • Add command.
  • Update command.
  • Remove command.
  • Add package file paket.toml support which describes a package.
  • Add support for Bitbucket, Gitlab and Github (default).
  • Dispatch Fish shell events when a package is installed, updated or uninstalled.
  • Define Paket events via paket.toml file.
  • Ability to install, update and remove packages from local repositories.
  • Prevent unnecessary clones for same versions (branches/tags)
  • Dependencies support.
  • Add configuration file ~/paket.toml support.
  • ?


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in current work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as described below, without any additional terms or conditions.

Feel free to send some Pull request or issue.


This work is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

© 2020-present Jose Quintana

Docker Pull Command

docker pull joseluisq/paket