
By jsii

Updated 6 days ago




jsii Superchain

A debian-based Docker image bundling all the SDKs and tools required in order to package jsii projects in all supported languages.

View on Amazon ECR Public Gallery or Docker Hub.

Recommended image

We recommend the following image for most users. See Image tags for further details.

Current image tags

The following image tags are actively maintained and updated regularly.

Image tagDebianNodePython

Any other tags should be considered deprecated or in the case of nightly images experimental.

Included Language SDKs

OpenJDK 20Amazon Corretto >= 20.0.2
.NET SDK>= 6.0.14
Javascriptsee Current image tags
PowerShellpwsh >= 7.2.16
Python 3see Current image tags
Gogo >= 1.18


This docker image can be build locally:

docker build ./superchain -t jsii/superchain:local

In case the tests fail, skip the tests and inspect the image manually:

docker build ./superchain -t jsii/superchain:local --target=superchain
NodeJS and NPM

If you are building this image from source, you can control the Node version with the NODE_MAJOR_VERSION build argument:

docker build [...] --build-arg NODE_MAJOR_VERSION=22
Image tags

Image tags are named using the following pattern:

  • <JSII-MAJOR> is the major line of the jsii toolchain (must be 1)
  • <BASE> is the base image tag, currently supported base images are
  • <NODE-MAJOR> is the major version of Node.js contained in the image
  • -nightly images are released from the HEAD of the aws/jsii repository and should typically not be used for production workloads

Support policy

Generally only actively versions that are actively supported by upstream projects are maintained in superchain.


We only publish images for Debian releases that receive updates from the Debian security team. All superchain images are based on the slim variant.


We publish images variants for Node versions that are Current or LTS. We include the npm version that ships with the version of Node.


The image includes the most recent Python version available for the respective Debian distribution. A complete list can be viewed on the Debian website.

Included Tools & Utilities

The following tools & utilities are available for your convenience. Versions are generally the latest available for the respective Debian distribution.

Tool / UtilityVersion
aws>= 2.11.17
bundler>= 1.17.3 and >= 2.1.4
docker>= 24.0.7-ce
git>= 2.30.2
make>= 4.3
maven>= 6.4.15
openssl>= 1.1.1w
rsync>= 3.2.3
yarn>= 1.22.19
zip & unzip>= 6.0-19
gh>= 1.13.1
sam>= 1.102.0


Changes are not automatically released. Instead a new preview images public.ecr.aws/jsii/superchain:1-bullseye-slim-nightly is released weekly.

A full release (the public.ecr.aws/jsii/superchain:1-bullseye-slim images) is done monthly, or whenever a new release is cut manually.

The latest release information (for both of the container image tags) can be seen on the Amazon ECR Public Gallery.

To manually kick-off a full or preview release, start the Tag Preview or Tag Release workflow respectively.


As with all Docker images, these also contain software which may be distributed under various licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.

For more information, refer to the /NOTICE file that is present in the Docker image.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jsii/superchain