
By jubilee2

Updated over 4 years ago



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C (GCC) Docker image

This image is based on Alpine Linux image, which is only a 5MB image, and contains C compiler (GCC package). gfortranpython2 (include pip)

Download size of this image is only:

NOTE: If you are looking for C++ (GCC) Docker image, there is one: frolvlad/alpine-gxx

Usage Example

$ echo -e '#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { printf("Hello World\\n"); }' > qq.c
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/tmp frolvlad/alpine-gcc gcc --static /tmp/qq.c -o /tmp/qq

Once you have run these commands you will have qq executable in your current directory and if you execute it, you will get printed 'Hello World'!

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jubilee2/alpine-compiler-base